trustoverip / TechArch

This is the working area for the ToIP Technology Architecture specification.
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Intermediary System bullet in Section 6.3 #32

Open wenjing opened 2 years ago

wenjing commented 2 years ago

This text "Intermediary Systems may be required to assist in the interactions between the Endpoint Systems. Intermediary systems are involved in the ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol, and are themselves Endpoint Systems (for another ToIP Identifier Controller)(2)" has several problems. Propose new text "Intermediary Systems may be used to assist in the interactions between the Endpoint Systems. In that context, Intermediary systems are involved in the ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol, and may themselves be Endpoint Systems. Intermediary systems are not a dependency to Endpoint systems' trust relationship."

Also footnote (2) should be removed. That information is not central to this text and brings in a set of unexplained dependencies on Aries and Aries RFC which can be misleading and problematic.

talltree commented 1 year ago

This text "Intermediary Systems may be required to assist in the interactions between the Endpoint Systems. Intermediary systems are involved in the ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol, and are themselves Endpoint Systems (for another ToIP Identifier Controller)(2)" has several problems. Propose new text "Intermediary Systems may be used to assist in the interactions between the Endpoint Systems. In that context, Intermediary systems are involved in the ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol, and may themselves be Endpoint Systems. Intermediary systems are not a dependency to Endpoint systems' trust relationship."

+1 to this change.

talltree commented 1 year ago

Also footnote (2) should be removed. That information is not central to this text and brings in a set of unexplained dependencies on Aries and Aries RFC which can be misleading and problematic.

While I don't entirely disagree, this footnote was suggested by @dhh1128 and I thought it added a lot of value in terms of explanatory power. For context to those new to this thread, here is the text of footnote (2):

The distinction between Intermediary Systems and simple routers on the Internet is well described by the Hyperledger Aries community in Aries RFC 0046. The terminology mapping is: "Intermediary System" = Aries "mediator", and router on the internet = Aries "relay".

Since in section 10 we have examples where we do cite explicit technologies in order to illustrate specific patterns, could we do the following:

  1. Change the footnote to reference section 10.1, where we have an example of Hyperledger Aries architecture.
  2. Work the substance of the current footnote either into the text of section 10.1, or into a footnote there.