trustoverip / TechArch

This is the working area for the ToIP Technology Architecture specification.
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Provide file #41

Open andorsk opened 1 year ago

andorsk commented 1 year ago

andorsk commented 1 year ago

@elisatrevino is there some existing language around Code of Conduct that we can use here? Example:

allant0 commented 1 year ago

Another possible contribution:,and%20bullying%20of%20any%20kind.

Suggest that I assume the code of conduct should be ToIP wide and not specific to the arch group. Can't we point to the ToIP defined code of conduct? If it doesn't exist then suggest the combination of the 2 pointers provided here might be a good start to consider.

andorsk commented 1 year ago

Yea..I think that's probably fine. As long as the Code of Conduct is public. But I'll defer to a ToIP leader/admin for the specifics on the legal here.

a-fox commented 1 year ago

I tried to look for any work on ToIP wide CoC. It seems that it has been discussed many times over a year ago, but I didn't find any resolution or deliverables done. ToIP level CoC would need to be accepted by the steering committee, so unless it is already made, I don't think we can do this by ourselves.

As this is not critical for our current work, I suggest we put this on hold, until a ToIP-accepted CoC surfaces.