trustoverip / tswg-did-method-webs-specification

a DID method spec for did:webs
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Spoofing did:webs didDocs #74

Closed SmithSamuelM closed 9 months ago

SmithSamuelM commented 10 months ago

The key state for the did:webs DID provided in a did:webs didDoc is verifiable against the keri.cesr file because the keri.cesr file includes the key event log (KEL) for the AID portion of the did:webs DID.

An attacker may create their own AID and associate it with the same DNS domain name as some other did:webs DID (but differ in the AID portion). They could use this to give the false impression that they represent the entity that is supposedly the controller of the domain name common to both DIDs.

did:webs by itself does not prevent such an attack. The attack is not attacking the control of a given did:webs did but is attacking the control of the domain name common to both did:webs dids. A given did:webs DID is controlled by the key state associated with its AID not its doman. A related attack is when the didDoc includes service endpoints or other information that is not part of key state or is not anchored to key state. This attack will be discussed below.

The root-of-trust for any did:webs DID is the AID in the DID. There are many ways to impersonate the controller of a given domain name or web host. This is the primary vulnerability in did:web that did:webs fixes because spoofing control of a did:webs DID (unlike a did:web DID) requires compromising the keys that control the AID in the did:webs DID.

A did:webs didDoc that does not have the correct did:webs DID for a given key state will not resolve given a compliant (trustable) DID resolver because the resolver verifies the key state w.r.t to the AID in the associated did:webs DID against the KEL provided in the keri.cesr file. The keri.cesr file provides a hash chained signed proof of key state. Control of the full did:webs DID which includes the AID is thus protected. One can't spoof control of the full DID without compromising the private keys in the KEL.

To elaborate, anyone can create their own AID and then create a KEL and then create a keri.cesr file from that KEL and then create a did:webs DID with the AID for any domain name they choose. A didDoc that provides the key state from by that keri.cesr will resolve. The did:webs resolver in that case is only verifying that the key state provided in the did:doc is consistent with the key state in the keri.cesr which will prove the key state for that AID (at a given point in the KEL). This does not in any way prove that the domain name is controlled by the controller of that AID. That requires a different type of proof.

The only way for a user to know that a given AID is under the control of a given entity is via a out-of-band exchange of information that binds the AID to that entity. This includes binding that AID to the entity that truly controls a given DNS domain name. This could be done in many ways. Given that we are assuming that the dns/ca system itself is insecure. We can not merely trust that the appearance of a did:webs DID (with its AID in tow) on a web host of the did:webs' domain name makes a secure binding between the controller of the associated AID and the controller of the associated domain name.

For example, in GLEIF's case, the binding between GLEIF as a legal entity and its root AID is secured by multiple attestations under domain names or other identifiers that either GLEIF controls or are controlled by trusted entities that control GLEIF to that AID. (see the vLEI ecosystem governance framework). This set of multiple links provides a multi-factor out-of-band mechanism for binding GLEIF as a legal entity to its root AID.

As mentioned above, a related attack is to spoof other information, besides key-state, by providing that other information in a didDoc for a given did:webs DID. Any information not provided in or anchored in the KEL of an AID is not directly verifiable against the keri.cesr file so some attacker could place that information in a did:webs didDoc and purport that that information is valid.

There are several ways to protect against such attacks.

1) Provide a "strict" mode for did:webs resolution that only includes KEL anchored data in the did:webs didDoc. A compliant resolver in strict mode never includes anything but KEL anchored data. Primarily this is key-state, witness AIDs which embed witness key-state, and config traits. Please note that other information anchored via a seal is not directly observable and hence verifiable by the resolver merely with only key events from a KEL in the keri.cesr. That information, however, could be provided via attachments to the KEL which attachments are also included in the keri.cesr file.

2) expand the resolution to normatively look for anchor seals and attachments that expose the contents of the seal hashes when those attachments are included in the keri.cesr file. Then in strict mode a resolver can include the seal anchored information in the rendered didDoc. This information is thereby verifiable.

3) expand the resolution parametrization to normatively allow for the inclusion in the parameters of exposed anchor seal contents that are dynamically (at resolution time) merged with the keri.cesr file to include such anchored content in the rendered did:doc

4) Protect unanchored information such as service endpoints using BADA-RUN on the service endpoints. There are several ways to approach this.

To summarize, there is a rampant misunderstanding that merely signing a document makes the contents securely attributable to some entity when that signature verifies. Signatures attributed to persistent identifiers (which support changes to their controlling key state) are invalid once the key state changes. The signed data must also be bound to the key state of the identifer at the time the signature was created. This, indeed, is one of the major, if not the major security vulnerability in the DNS/CA system. Domain names are persistent identifiers whose controlling key state may be changed by the issuance of a new Cert from some CA (usually any CA). There is no way in the existing DNS/CA system to bind signed data to the actual key state at the time of signing in a verifiable way. Recall that the main reason to change key state (rotate) is to protect from key compromise. Thus any stale signatures from state keys must be assumed to be compromised signatures unless the signed data is anchored to the key state in such a way that later key compromise is prevented from making new anchors.

Consequently, without key state anchoring, only the latest key state should ever be used for verification and because it is possible to miss-issue verifiable certs from multiple CAs there is no cryptographically verifiable way to establish the one and only one latest key state. Certificate Transparency will tell a verifier that are multiple valid key states but not which one is the truly valid one.

In the did:webs case, the underlying KEL in the keri.cesr file provides cryptographically verifiable proof of the key state at the time any data is anchored to the KEL. Because the events in the KEL are signed with a post-quantum protected forward and backward chaining mechanism related to key state (pre-rotation), then any anchored data is also verifiably bound to the key state at the time of its anchoring event. It is effectively signed by virtue of its anchor. Recall that signing a cryptographic strength digest of data is equivalent to signing the data directly. Signatures on the anchored data are, at best redundant and at worst may be misleading because they are weaker than the anchors (by virtue of being unbound to key state at the time of signing) and therefore should be ignored.

2byrds commented 10 months ago

Very useful @SmithSamuelM ! Thank you for tying the security characteristics concepts (Out-of-band associations, Anchoring, BADA-RUN, bare signatures) together based on our meeting discussion today regarding spoofed AIDs. I especially appreciate that you enumerated the options, so that I could compare the pros/cons of each solution!

swcurran commented 10 months ago

My understanding was that there is (is going to be?) a “KERI-way” event to indicate that DID associated to the did:webs location. My understanding was also that there would be a further way a way to say “Here is the new did:webs DID for this AID” that could be used to add an “AlsoKnownAs” entry into the DID for an old web location to be used in case of redirections, the merges of organizations, etc. — any situation where the controller wants to indicate the have deliberately moved the document.

SmithSamuelM commented 10 months ago


My understanding was that there is (is going to be?) a “KERI-way” event to indicate that DID associated to the did:webs location. My understanding was also that there would be a further way a way to say “Here is the new did:webs DID for this AID” that could be used to add an “AlsoKnownAs” entry into the DID for an old web location to be used in case of redirections, the merges of organizations, etc. — any situation where the controller wants to indicate the have deliberately moved the document.

Yes you are correct, the method that @pfeairheller proposed and that we have discussed would be to anchor on a TEL which is anchored to the KEL of the original AID an attestation of what domain names are allowed as AKAs for that did:webs AID. This would be secure. Simply including an unanchored or otherwise unprotected AKA in a didDoc for some did:webs did does not protect one from a spoofing attack. When given a protected verifiable attestation as suggested, a trusted did:webs resolver can securely populate the AKA section of the didDoc with the other domain names or equivalently the other did:webs dids that all share the same AID but have different domains.

This attestation could be included in the keri.cesr file because CESR supports streaming of such attestations (as ACDCs) even when interleaved with key events and their attachments. Technically the attestation would be a type of ACDC with a schema that defines it as an attestation of AKAs for the did:webs dids allowed by the issuing aid.

The resolver just has to search for schema SAIDs that match the defined SAID for such attestations.

This could be extended to any type of data that we want to include in a did:webs didDoc that we want to have the security property of being anchored to key state. All the resolver has to know is the schema SAIDS of any attestations it is responsible for extracting from the keri.cesr file and then when it processes the keri.cesr file it can match and extract the associated attestations and populate the associated fields or blocks in the did:doc with highest class security according to the KERI way.

peacekeeper commented 10 months ago

anchor on a TEL which is anchored to the KEL of the original AID an attestation of what domain names are allowed as AKAs

I know I missed the meeting today, but somehow I still don't get what's the spoofing attack described here or in

If I create an AID 12345 that I control, and even if I manage to break into Coca Cola's servers and upload my did.json and keri.cesr such that (my AID on Coca Cola's servers) becomes resolvable and verifiable, so what?

  1. Is the problem that people will look at the human-readable part of the DID and think that it's really Coca Cola --> Well if you rely on something like that, then you haven't really understood what DIDs are anyway. Especially if you have a bit of a KERI background, you should understand that the domain name is only for discovery and doesn't mean anything.

  2. Is the problem that my did.json and keri.cesr will get deleted from the Coca Cola servers and I have to move my AID elsewhere? --> Well the assumption of KERI (and DIDs) is that the web is broken anyway and that this always happens eventually, so we need to deal with it in any case.

2byrds commented 10 months ago

From our meeting today:

2byrds commented 10 months ago

We will discuss this and related issues at today's meeting

2byrds commented 9 months ago

The other issues/PRs related to equivalentId, alsoKnownAs, redirection using the designated aliases feature provides a strong additional layer of protection against spoofing,etc. Great conversation!