trustoverip / tswg-trust-registry-protocol

Trust Registry Protocol Specification
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Authorization History (AR-1) #48

Open sloops77 opened 1 month ago

sloops77 commented 1 month ago

Firstly in general I'm not clear why anti-requirement's exist. The list of "anti-requirements" is never ending task to maintain what shouldn't be implemented.

Secondly, it seems that authoirzation history is supported in the API using the /entities/{entityVID}/authorizations endpoint

Thirdly, if it is can a rationale be shared. A history can still be constructed using multiple calls to the TRP

Finally If the working group decides to retain then I think the language can be clarrified as reading through the spec the reference to "history" implied a list of authorizations but its never clearly stated

[AR-1] SHALL NOT support query operations returning a historical list of authorizations for a [registered entity](