Use this template to give context and details about what your changes bring to the project. You should complete as many sections as possible, deleting those that are not relevant.
Ticket 🎟
What ⁉️
What are these changes? Please include screenshots for UI changes
Why ⁉️
Why are these changes necessary?
How ⁉️
How have you approached making these changes?
How to review and test 📱
Please provide details on how the reviewer should review your changes and the best way for them to test them.
Checklist ✅
[ ] My changes generate no new warnings
[ ] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works
Use this template to give context and details about what your changes bring to the project. You should complete as many sections as possible, deleting those that are not relevant.
Ticket 🎟
What ⁉️
What are these changes? Please include screenshots for UI changes
Why ⁉️
Why are these changes necessary?
How ⁉️
How have you approached making these changes?
How to review and test 📱
Please provide details on how the reviewer should review your changes and the best way for them to test them.
Checklist ✅