trustpizza / coneflower

Glassdoor but for environmentalism and developments
0 stars 0 forks source link

Native Ecotyped Plant Discovery #1

Open trustpizza opened 3 weeks ago

trustpizza commented 3 weeks ago

Addition Idea:

The app is intended to work as such:

  1. Moderator creates a new development
  2. Users document what they've seen in terms of environmental impact and native habitat destruction based on various 5 point review (stars? who knows yet).
  3. People can see the cumulative scores based on those various reviews (not yet figured out)


The Average person is pretty dumb, and 50% of them are dumber. They don't know what plants are native, what they look like, etc. I am software engineer, I don't know shit about plants, I'm the 50% here^.

It would be nice if we could have a ruby based API service that based off of the address of a development site (they each have an address in the data model) we could pull native plants with at least this data: plant: { plant_name: "", plant_image_link: "", plant_characteristics?: (here I'm uncertain, but any useful information in identifying plants so that people can know what to look for) }

With this we can later build out views so someone can click "native species nearby" or something and see what a local ecosystem should look like.

blaketeres commented 3 weeks ago

taking a look at this tonight - will see if I can get something with rough edges working

blaketeres commented 3 weeks ago

found this - docs to the PLANTS API

edit: bleh, it's down. This collection looks promising.

blaketeres commented 3 weeks ago

It seems this data is not readily available with the granularity we need. There are a handful of native plant databases, but none have documented API access.

I have some ideas, and I think it involves doing a bit of cross referencing results across the different databases.

trustpizza commented 3 weeks ago

What are your thoughts on this:

Seems like a cool open sauce solution

blaketeres commented 3 weeks ago

It does! I'll check it out