trustwallet / trust-wallet-ios

:iphone: Trust - Ethereum Wallet and Web3 DApp Browser for iOS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Testnet Support Needed #917

Open masterial opened 5 years ago

masterial commented 5 years ago

Our users at first would rather use test net eth and then go main net when they are comfortable. It's easier for us to convince them to download Trust because we can incentivize with Ropsten eth and have them test drive. In theory, having test net support should give Trust more users and eyeballs on our dApp. Please add it back, it was a bad decision to remove it.

tradzero commented 5 years ago


skywinder commented 5 years ago

+2. Why did you remove it?

lrgeoemtry commented 5 years ago

this was a big thing that set Trust apart. the dumbest idea to take this out. where is the developer love in this community anymore?

dangell7 commented 5 years ago

You guys want to collaborate on a pull request for this feature?

nikitaeverywhere commented 5 years ago

I'm also very curious why did you remove a switch to Ethereum testnet, it was such a great thing for our development/testing team... Pinging @vikmeup, are you going to bring it back one day?

dangell7 commented 5 years ago

@ZitRos @skywinder @tradzero @masterial @vikmeup

First off I love your repository @vikmeup!! You've also helpful with my questions and I LOVE the new iOS-SDK. My question is how do you expect us to develop using your software, "trust" if you cant even provide a testing environment? The people I have spoken with are all starting applications with a wallet managed by the app, and this decision to remove the test environment is only helping them make that decision. You are turning away customers, and I really don't think that is your goal.

From one business owner to another, this would really benefit us.... Or is this repo just not managed anymore?

I would love to hear other solutions? Or am I just expected to download both repo's and change the settings myself? Why not just fork that, as a test trust wallet?

Would really love to see this community come together and fix this.

Thank You,

Denis Angell

vikmeup commented 5 years ago

Using test networks is very small use case and most things could be tested on the MetaMask with a great support from Google Chrome, where you can simulate iOS or Android devices.

iOS-SDK is quite early in the game, I expect this to be used few years from now.

We do plan to bring custom nodes support within this next few months, so you can use any network.

dangell7 commented 5 years ago

Look and feel don't even compare to desktop vs real thing! What in your opinion would be the best way to get this going? Create a fork the wallet and change the settings to ropsten?

vikmeup commented 5 years ago

I believe this version has test network support fro android:

Feel free to fork, just specify Ropsten endpoint and chainID

dangell7 commented 5 years ago

Do you still run the Or is this even needed?

PoltP commented 5 years ago

Looks unbelievable that Trust Wallet does not support testnet (Ropsten etc.). Now its time to do 'mobile first' and according my experience we have some issues with DApps on mobile platform (like camera access to read QR code, open photo for user profile etc.). We really need to test our Dapps using testnet out of the box. Please, implement it.

dimiandre commented 5 years ago

I would love to use TrustWallet on Kovan test net

clemsos commented 5 years ago

Why remove test networks? Developers are your first users...

vikmeup commented 5 years ago

@clemsos use MetaMask, it's main focus for developers, it has all the tools to build and test dapps. Over 99% of the users in crypto not developers.

johnnynanjiang commented 5 years ago

Or make teetnet available in debug build?

dangell7 commented 5 years ago

I have a test build

dangell7 commented 5 years ago

Check my commits to see what you need to change.

dangell7 commented 5 years ago

The fact that NONE of this tech is production ready yet you removed the developer features baffles me. But it neither here nor there. If you need the test net, please see my fork.

vrde commented 5 years ago

use MetaMask, it's main focus for developers, it has all the tools to build and test dapps.

@vikmeup: I would invite you to reconsider the position of TrustWallet for test networks. For Đapp developers it's crucial to be able to test their products on real devices, instead of using emulators—as you know web development is full of platform-specific quirks.

Over 99% of the users in crypto not developers.

It's not only about developers. Having the ability to change network allows also users (early adopters) to test Đapps before launching on the Main Ethereum Network.


orbmis commented 5 years ago

Trust wallet would be the most advanced dapp browser out there if it wasn't for the fact that it won't run on any Ethereum testnets, it's a shame that this feature isn't available.

clemsos commented 5 years ago

@vikmeup Thank you for the answer.

Metamask is just a debug tool for browsers, not a mobile wallet. Nobody uses desktops anymore these days so pretty useless when you want to do user testing.

I am a designer and I need to test things in real situation. Crypto generally needs better UX and not allowing testing is harmful for real use cases.

I wrote my comment because I was testing an app at an event with a group of 50~ people - mostly non-crypto holders. I wanted to have them install Trust but I ended up have them install Coinbase wallet because Trust have dropped supports for test nets. Those people and myself don't want to pay real money, just try sth new first and have fun before moving to main net apps.

This is how not supporting test nets is harmful for Trust.

Like it or not, developers are users and amount for much more than 1% of crypto users.
Even if it is just 1%, development drive lots of use cases.

I understand that supporting test nets makes your code base more complex. The claim in the original blogpost that removing testnet is better for UI readability is fallacious. Users can cope with a "testnet" option if it is at the right place in the UI.

I am not blaming anybody here, just trying to bring conversations by giving you actual feedback.

So asking again : why drop test nets?

clemsos commented 5 years ago

Also maybe this comment is at the wrong place because I myself use Android not ios

kombos commented 5 years ago

regardless of the 'production' and 'end user' point of view held for removing the testnets, I must say it is quite unwise a decision. We currently do not have any decent mobile based ethereum browser with web3 integration support. Trust used to have but now removed it. it is a huge step backwards strategically and end user wise as well.

rickenbb commented 5 years ago

Was really happy to see that there is finally a useful mobile dapp browser. However, while I understand certain concerns, I would still urge you rethink the decision of not supporting test networks.

The strategic question is:

Do you want to be a) a wallet provider b) a dapp browser

If you want to be b) you will only succeed if developers can easily test their dapps on an actual device.