trvsdnn / frank

Static Site Non-Framework
MIT License
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Slim template language support #77

Open celeryclub opened 12 years ago

celeryclub commented 12 years ago

I think it would be great to have support for the template language Slim. It appears that it's not included with Tilt at the moment, but I'm not sure how much more difficult that would make it.

trvsdnn commented 12 years ago

Will look into this for the next release. Shouldn't require much at all. Also thinking about making the Tilt integration tighter so I don't have to manually add stuff as it comes into Tilt, just not sure the best way to handle it yet.

celeryclub commented 12 years ago

I can give the Slim integration a go if you give me an idea of which files to look at.

daz4126 commented 10 years ago

Was this ever supported? It would be great to use Slim

celeryclub commented 10 years ago

I don't believe any further progress has been made on Slim integration.

daz4126 commented 10 years ago

That's a real shame ... I can't see that it would be that hard to implement, since Tilt supports Slim already. I've tried putting require 'slim' in setup.rb, but it still didn't work.

Anybody got any idea what has to be done to make this work?

I really like Frank, but really prefer Slim over Haml!



trvsdnn commented 10 years ago

I don't really have any time to look into it at the moment, but it'll need to be in the list here: so frank knows about slim.

daz4126 commented 10 years ago

Thanks Travis! All that was needed was to add slim to the html array.

I forked the code and updated it and have issued a pull request.

If anybody wants the updated code you can do this git clone cd frank/ gem build frank.gemspec gem install frank-1.0.12.gem

Don't worry about any warnings ... now the installed gem will have a version of Frank that supports Slim!


DAZ ps - I really like Frank ... not as heavy as middleman, thanks for making it!

trvsdnn commented 10 years ago

Excellent! I'll merge it in later today and bump the version. Nice work!

Also, thanks for mentioning middleman. I think that's a great project and really well done, but it does seem to be heavy and offer too much for my taste.

I'd love to get a new version of frank out, but i'm a bit undecided on what I actually want to do with it (other than the obvious rewrite of the code). If you have suggestions or a direction, i'd love to hear it.

daz4126 commented 10 years ago

That's great Travis, cheers.

I've been playing around with different static site generators and Middleman could do it all, but definitely felt too heavy. Frank felt like it had the balance just about right.

I'd love to help out with ideas on Frank (I have a few already!) ... and could maybe even help rewrite some of the code if you point me in the right direction.

I can't find an email address for you, but mine is if you want to have a quick exchange about it.



opensourceame commented 9 years ago

In case anyone stumbles on this comment via a search engine (as I did) you need to require 'slim' to make the templates work. ;-)