try-harder / Reboot

Decoupling organisation of Try Harder from stray
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Who is coming? #3

Open neilmanuell opened 10 years ago

neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

So, who of you is up for it? Also, I think that we should open it up and get some new blood in. Have you any friends / colleagues / proteges that would like to come?

neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

Me, I'm coming :)

DavidArno commented 10 years ago

I'd love to go, but I don't really think I can justify it any more. I gave up being a developer and embarked on a career in management six months ago. In that time, I've probably spent a total of 20 hours writing code. These days I suspect I ought to be levelling up on finance and business, rather than software.

I'd be interested in sending someone from my team along though if it does happen.

angerelle commented 10 years ago

Tricky, isn't it? I've done hardly any coding over the last year, but now my project is finally in development I'm going to have to get my hands dirty, reviewing and guiding if not actually being responsible for writing code. I'd like to come, but need to clear it with my boss and think of something to talk about...

neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

Wow David, how are you handling that? are you enjoying it, or missing the old coding? was it the only way to advance your career?

Whether either of you can justify coming to yourselves, or your bosses, I think that your contribution would be, if possible even more. We all have to deal with management, and you have to deal with coders.

In fact I personally am becoming more interested in the group dynamics of creativity. I find it really interesting going from team to team to lone coder and how I have to change my way of working and relating with each team. Especially since I am coming from a past where flamboyantly creative people work together as opposed to the far more introverted geek.

mnem commented 10 years ago

I'm interested in coming. I have absolutely no idea what I'll talk about - I haven't touched Flash for over a year - but it'd be nice meet old and random new people. At worst we can all go for long healthy walks without the distractions of mobile phone signals :)

richardlord commented 10 years ago

It would be great to hear what everyone is up to. You don't have to be writing code to have something interesting to say. As Flash slowly disappears we are scattering in different directions and it's good to gather together and learn from each other's experiences, and that definitely includes the experiences of those who've moved into management.

redannick commented 10 years ago

me, I'll come. I could talk a little about webRTC or code club or both

tschneidereit commented 10 years ago

I'll try to come, but can't make any promises: the fall might be particularly busy for me, the way things look right now.

I could talk about this Shumway thing I mostly work on nowadays, or about what's cooking for EcmaScript 6 and beyond. David would have to endure that if he comes, I suppose. ;)

dansumption commented 10 years ago

I'd love to come, though not sure what I can bring to the mix - my career's not moved on greatly since last time, even though I have a new gig now (at ITV, so not that much of a change for me), and although I've been dipping my toe into JS, Java (Android), Python and Ruby, it feels as though I'm one of the few people left still making a living coding Flash (and not particularly cutting-edge Flash at that).

Still, I would love to see you all again, and there have been plenty of other things going on in my life - perhaps I can pull together some lessons from some of them?

Dan On 17 May 2014 13:46, "neil manuell" wrote:

So, who of you is up for it? Also, I think that we should open it up and get some new blood in. Have you any friends / colleagues / proteges that would like to come?

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Stray commented 10 years ago

nods I'm also still making a living from Flash - and it looks like that will continue for at least a few more years. There simply isn't another technology that can deliver properly mixed interactive e-learning content.

I was rather cheered to see that Scratch is now in flash too.

On 19 May 2014, at 10:52, Dan Sumption wrote:

I'd love to come, though not sure what I can bring to the mix - my career's not moved on greatly since last time, even though I have a new gig now (at ITV, so not that much of a change for me), and although I've been dipping my toe into JS, Java (Android), Python and Ruby, it feels as though I'm one of the few people left still making a living coding Flash (and not particularly cutting-edge Flash at that).

Still, I would love to see you all again, and there have been plenty of other things going on in my life - perhaps I can pull together some lessons from some of them?

Dan On 17 May 2014 13:46, "neil manuell" wrote:

So, who of you is up for it? Also, I think that we should open it up and get some new blood in. Have you any friends / colleagues / proteges that would like to come?

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neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

I don't think the technology we work in matters a jot. I've been skipping from Angular js in the browser and in the phonegap to AS3 in console via scaleform and also some Air projects. What I have learned is that my experience means I can pick things up really fast, and solve problems. The management of my time and communication is often far more important.

MattesGroeger commented 10 years ago

Great initiative! I also jumped a lot in terms of technologies and work mostly on backend technologies right now (though I do some AngularJS right now as well). As a follow-up to Dominic's last talk about functional programming I could talk about my learnings from working with Erlang. Would be happy to see all of you again.

neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

@MattesGroeger Interesting that you should be working mainly on the backend. My expertises in Flash means that I don't feel I fit in either. Most Apps I have written have been their own backend. So I have been experimenting with the whole MEAN stack as well.

neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

@dansumption One of my talks was about Collaborative Devising in theatre, for gawds sake. I really don't think you need have any fears of not being able to bring something to the mix. You will.

tam203 commented 10 years ago

I'm in (pending the usual work permissions which I don't think will be a problem). No idea what I'll talk about... Currently working on front end JS with Dojo. I'd be tempted to talk about Dojolegs the tongue in cheek name we've given to the way we've been working with Dojo that was inspired by every ones favourite framework :)

@DavidArno @angerelle I'm looking/considering/applying for a move into more management and I'm keen to hear more about peoples thoughts and experiences. Personally I feel that there is lots to improve. I'm also interested in and looking at flow and team flow and what makes a really fantastic team....

tam203 commented 10 years ago

As for people. I've someone in mind who has joined us on the project as an test expert. She is working and exploring automated testing for our current project. I'm not sure if it matters (your thoughts) but her coding experience is very limited (but JS skill is growing rapidly out of necessity). I think her insight and experience would be valuable to us all.

Any thoughts?

neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

@Stray can you make sure that all past participants are aware of this discussion, and are members of this group?

Stray commented 10 years ago

Ta Neil - good thinking, I just emailed Dave Sussman and I'm about to email Martin as well, and then cross check previous participants against the group. Thank you! (I am very, very much enjoying this process).

On 19 May 2014, at 15:30, neil manuell wrote:

@Stray can you make sure that all past participants are aware of this discussion, and are members of this group?

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neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

@Stray this could all be part of it not only does every body talks, but everybody helps organise :)

Stray commented 10 years ago


On 19 May 2014, at 15:39, neil manuell wrote:

@Stray this could all be part of it not only does every body talks, but everybody helps organise :)

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vrobel commented 10 years ago

Hi everyone! I was reading the discussions, but just to let you know. I'm starting new studio so the other half of the year will be very busy for me. I'll be thinking if I can make it, but low chances this year, again.

I'm very happy it's going to happen and it didn't disappear.

neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

@wrobel221 Good to hear from you, I hope the new job will be exciting. It would be great to hear your ideas even if you can't make it though.

DavidArno commented 10 years ago

Moving in to management wasn't something I'd been considering and I certainly don't see it as the only way my career could have gone. When my boss resigned though, and I was offered his job, I decided to give it a try. To my surprise, I absolutely love it and probably should have made such a move earlier as I feel much happier at work now than when I was a developer. Soon after getting the job, the company was restructured, and I found myself in charge of all the company's current and future product development, as well as our IT infrastructure. I report directly to the CEO and I'm now part of the senior management team. This is exciting stuff for me (though it'll likely fill some of you with horror!:)

My days now are spent in Word, Excel and Outlook, as well as meetings and skyping/phoning people in our offices in other parts of the UK, Malaysia and the USA. I've used Visual Studio just a couple of times in order to write little utilities to assist some of my tasks, but really don't do any development any more.

The upshot of all this is that, whilst I could do a talk that might be of interest to the group, I really can't justify spending a week learning about, and practising, skills and knowledge that are no longer relevant to my job. So I won't be attending TH any more. However, I do intend inviting 1 - 2 of my team to attend if they want to. It's a brilliant event and it taught me loads.I'm really pleased to see it will live on and I want others in my company to benefit from TH too.

neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

Wow, that's great, so it turns out that David is more of a people person, who'd 'v thunk :) We will certainly miss you, though It'll be great to get to work with your team mates.

same goes as I said to @wrobel221 your ideas would still be welcome.

mikecann commented 10 years ago

Hey All,

Sorry for the late reply. I have been away for a week and not had a chance to respond.

This is really exciting to see TH getting a reboot. Unfortunately however i'm unlikely to be able to attend in person as i'm now living over in Australia with someone I met while travelling and as i'm now in indie games developer my boss is telling me that my fund for training and development is a little limited at the moment.

Having said that I would love to be a part in any way I can. If you need help with something just shout.

alecmce commented 10 years ago

Hi everyone,

I would absolutely love to come but I'm still living in San Francisco and now at Google, get precious few vacation days. Have a good meet up everyone, and stay in touch!

BTW have any of you been following the "Is TDD dead?" conversation on YouTube? It's interesting stuff! On May 25, 2014 8:03 PM, "Mike Cann" wrote:

Hey All,

Sorry for the late reply. I have been away for a week and not had a chance to respond.

This is really exciting to see TH getting a reboot. Unfortunately however its unlikely able to attend in person as im now living over in Australia with someone I met while travelling and as im now in indie games developer my boss is telling me that my fund for training and development is a little limited at the moment.

Having said that I would love to be a part in any way I can. If you need help with something just shout.

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neilmanuell commented 10 years ago

Wow! We need to start a Leaderboard.

you are setting the bar so high.

any one else?