tryAGI / LangChain

C# implementation of LangChain. We try to be as close to the original as possible in terms of abstractions, but are open to new entities.
MIT License
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Error: Method not found: 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<Ollama.GenerateEmbeddingResponse> Ollama.OllamaApiClient.GenerateEmbeddingAsync( #338

Closed mzeesam closed 4 weeks ago

mzeesam commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug

I get the below error: Method not found: 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 Ollama.OllamaApiClient.GenerateEmbeddingAsync(Ollama.GenerateEmbeddingRequest, System.Threading.CancellationToken)'.

When executing the following lines: var vectorCollection = await vectorDatabase.AddDocumentsFromAsync( embeddingModel, // Used to convert text to embeddings dimensions: 384, // Should be 1536 for TextEmbeddingV3SmallModel //dimensions: 384, //for all-MiniLM- 384 dimensions dataSource: DataSource.FromUrl(""), collectionName: "harrypotter", // Can be omitted, use if you want to have multiple collections textSplitter: null, behavior: AddDocumentsToDatabaseBehavior.JustReturnCollectionIfCollectionIsAlreadyExists);


var similarDocuments = await vectorCollection.GetSimilarDocuments(embeddingModel, question, amount: 5);

I am using version 0.14.1-dev60 in all the nuget packages. I installed Ollama on my PC and running on the default port: 11434

Below is the entire code:

using LangChain.Databases.Sqlite;
using LangChain.DocumentLoaders;
using LangChain.Providers.Ollama;
using LangChain.Extensions;
using Ollama;
using LangChain.Splitters.Text;

var provider = new OllamaProvider(options: new RequestOptions
    Stop = ["\n"],
    Temperature = 0.0f,
var embeddingModel = new OllamaEmbeddingModel(provider, id: "all-minilm");
//var embeddingModel = new OllamaEmbeddingModel(provider, id: "nomic-embed-text");
//var embeddingModel = new OllamaEmbeddingModel(provider, id: "mxbai-embed-large")
var llm = new OllamaChatModel(provider, id: "llama3");

Console.WriteLine($"Setting up vector DB...");
var vectorDatabase = new SqLiteVectorDatabase(dataSource: "vectors.db");

Console.WriteLine($"Loading, Chunking and Indexing data ...");

//Error here below:
var vectorCollection = await vectorDatabase.AddDocumentsFromAsync<PdfPigPdfLoader>(
    embeddingModel, // Used to convert text to embeddings
    dimensions: 384, // Should be 1536 for TextEmbeddingV3SmallModel
                      //dimensions: 384, //for all-MiniLM- 384 dimensions
    dataSource: DataSource.FromUrl(""),
    collectionName: "harrypotter", // Can be omitted, use if you want to have multiple collections
    textSplitter: null,
    behavior: AddDocumentsToDatabaseBehavior.JustReturnCollectionIfCollectionIsAlreadyExists);

Console.WriteLine($"Data loading done.");
const string question = "What is Harry's Address?";
Console.WriteLine($"Question: {question}");

var similarDocuments = await vectorCollection.GetSimilarDocuments(embeddingModel, question, amount: 5); //Error here...
// Use similar documents and LLM to answer the question
var answer = await llm.GenerateAsync(
     Use the following pieces of context to answer the question at the end.
     If the answer is not in context then just say that you don't know, don't try to make up an answer.
     Keep the answer as short as possible.


     Question: {question}
     Helpful Answer:

Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine($"LLM answer: {answer}");

Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
//optionally write out the vectordb similar documents
Console.WriteLine("Similar Documents:");
foreach (var document in similarDocuments)

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. Copy the code as expalined in article:
  2. Installed all nuget packages
  3. Run

Expected behavior

No response


No response

NuGet package version

No response

Additional context

No response

HavenDV commented 4 weeks ago

Possibly related to recent changes in the Ollama client, I'll let you know when it's fixed

mzeesam commented 4 weeks ago

Alright, Thank you. Which versions of libraries/Ollama client can I use in the meantime?

HavenDV commented 4 weeks ago

I updated Ollama SDK dependency to latest, new version of LangChain should be available in 5-10 minutes.

mzeesam commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you sir. Well noted.

However, i am now getting error 404 as shown below: image

Ollama is running well on localhost. Or Should I open a different issue?


HavenDV commented 4 weeks ago

I think it's because default url was changed. You can set custom url in OllamaProvider ctor("http://localhost:11434/api") or just wait for new NuGet

mzeesam commented 4 weeks ago

Awesome!!... Thanks a lot. The embeddings are created successfully.