tryhardfifi / breathe

breathe is a (distraction-free) peripheral breath trainer, it helps you breathe correctly so you can stay calm and focus on what matters.
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Make it easier to recognize hold / exhale / inhale #3

Open mahnouel opened 4 years ago

mahnouel commented 4 years ago

Maybe the color of the circle could change based on what the user should do? This way it would be easier to write code / be with your eyes on another part of the screen and still "see" at which stage you are. 👀

tryhardfifi commented 4 years ago

You are totally right! It is very difficult to know when a step starts/finishes. Initially I thought colors wouldn't help because of this (someone posted it on the HN thread), but yesterday I wrote a quick demo and saw the colors peripherally perfectly (probably the corner of the screen is not so far away).

I have almost finished all the other features, as soon as I do I will release it 🚀

sojusnik commented 4 years ago

An option to adjust the colors of all periods (inhale, exhale, hold) would help too.

The transition time between those colors should be fluent (about 1 second) and not abrupt, because this would draw too much attention, while a period should end with a transition, not start with it.

tryhardfifi commented 4 years ago

@sojusnik Sorry I took so long to answer, I was fixing a lot of bugs. You are totally right about this, but at the moment I am not sure how to implement this... While I think of a way I will give priority to the features I was expecting to finish for the release and we can revisit this later! (Also, if you happen to know how I could implement it, I would be glad to hear) 😄

tryhardfifi commented 4 years ago

Hi! The new release (that has the initial feature request) is already available! You can download it here! I am not going to close this issue as I haven't finished implement the fluid color change between steps 😄

themightyoarfish commented 4 years ago

When I adjust the colors, the changes do not seem to persist. They reset to the defaults as soon as i click "Open window" (10.14.6).

tryhardfifi commented 4 years ago

Sorry I took so long to answer... I will look into this! Are you using breathe 2.0? It's really weird because it works just fine for me

themightyoarfish commented 4 years ago

Yes, I am using the latest release.

tryhardfifi commented 4 years ago

@themightyoarfish sorry to keep you waiting, I just found the bug. I will make a release later today or tomorrow. To fix the bug I needed to change the 'Done' button to a 'Change' button, so after choosing the colors you need to press Change or else they won't be saved. Edit: I found a way to do it without changing the button. The release is up, you can download it here. Thank you a lot for pointing out the bug!

tryhardfifi commented 4 years ago

Hi @themightyoarfish there was another bug that prevented the color panel from showing up, I just released version 2.0.2 and now everything should be working as expected. 😄

themightyoarfish commented 4 years ago

Cool thanks! The color changing works now. I have this new issue that when breathe window is visible and I click the icon in the menu bar, the options open, but the breathe window disappears. Not a huge deal; i can adjust the colors or options without seeing the window, but kinda surprising.

tryhardfifi commented 4 years ago

That is expected behaviour. The feature of breathe's window being always on top and being able to transport it between spaces was implemeted using NSAlert, which means that before dismissing breathe's window you aren't able to press any other menu/window of breathe. I close the window and re-open it everytime because if not we wouldn't be able to press anything inside the settings preferences.