trzecieu / emscripten-docker

Docker image with Emscripten to compile ASM.js and WebAssembly
MIT License
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In docs, suggest running docker with current user id rather than emscripten user #41

Closed maxbrunsfeld closed 5 years ago

maxbrunsfeld commented 5 years ago

Hi, this is a very useful image. Thanks for creating it!

It worked for me on my Mac, but when I tried to run it on Travis CI, I got a permission error as soon as emcc tried to write to the file system:

command: "docker" "run" "--rm" "--volume" "/home/travis/build/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/test/fixtures/grammars/javascript:/src" "--user" "emscripten" "trzeci/emscripten-slim" "emcc" "-o" "tree-sitter-javascript.wasm" "-Os" "-s" "WASM=1" "-s" "SIDE_MODULE=1" "-s" "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=[\"_tree_sitter_javascript\"]" "-I" "src"

emcc command failed - Unable to find image 'trzeci/emscripten-slim:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from trzeci/emscripten-slim
e79bb959ec00: Pulling fs layer
67c164866f5d: Pulling fs layer
f3b772b4e21c: Pulling fs layer
f3b772b4e21c: Verifying Checksum
f3b772b4e21c: Download complete
e79bb959ec00: Download complete
e79bb959ec00: Pull complete
67c164866f5d: Verifying Checksum
67c164866f5d: Download complete
67c164866f5d: Pull complete
f3b772b4e21c: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:9fcec955b3174a78b0422e6dde4c9e58e9a68e5646102b11b1ecb0f358987571
Status: Downloaded newer image for trzeci/emscripten-slim:latest
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/emsdk_portable/sdk/", line 3308, in <module>
  File "/emsdk_portable/sdk/", line 2066, in run
    src = re.sub(shared.JS.memory_initializer_pattern, repl, open(final).read(), count=1)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 155, in sub
    return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)
  File "/emsdk_portable/sdk/", line 2057, in repl
    open(memfile, 'wb').write(bytearray(membytes))
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'tree-sitter-javascript.wasm.mem'

After reading about permissions issues with docker volumes, I replaced --user emscripten with --user $(id -u) (specifying my user id on the host, rather than a username). This fixed the problem for me.

I think this might be a better suggestion to make in the docs. What do you think?

trzecieu commented 5 years ago

Hi @maxbrunsfeld, indeed it's a good observation about problem with user rights. In fact I've done some article about that couple of weeks ago: and most likely I will merge some patches for fixing permissions.

Please note that in your case, once you've done -u $(id -u):$(id -g) and for some reason current user id is not 1000, then inside container there is no HOME associated. To make your solution bullet proof, please add a hack : -e HOME=/tmp which will set HOME to /tmp folder which is always writeable.

trzecieu commented 5 years ago

Hi @maxbrunsfeld, I'm doing some more ground refactoring of images in and your suggestion will be addressed there. Thank you!