ts-navghane / sparkpost-plugin

Sparkpost Mailer Plugin for Mautic
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Batch skips mails #7

Open mtrofimiuk opened 4 months ago

mtrofimiuk commented 4 months ago

My setup: Mautic v5 SparkPost Plugin doctrine queue

I sent newsletter to 30k addresses in a segment. Mautic reports all of them sent. SparkPost shows only ~200. I was sending them in batches of 1k with cron task. Looks like the plugin skipped most of mails during queue processing. Or queue was incorrectly filled. Queue filled with mautic:broadcasts:send --limit 1000 --no-interaction --no-ansi

mtrofimiuk commented 4 months ago

After some debugging it looks like it sends just first email from the batch. I tried sending mails one by one and it is fine. When I set batch to two messages and limit 10 only 5 mails are sent. Not sure if it is issue with the plugin or broadcasts command.

php bin/console mautic:broadcasts:send -i 143 -l 10 -b 2

Golfasian commented 2 weeks ago

I have the same problem. Installed the Sparkpost plugin and only 1-2 emails are sent each time. If we send to a segment of 180,000 this is going to be a problem. Hopefully @ts-navghane will see this and take a look at the plugin. Thank you very much.