Closed bbenezech closed 1 month ago
I'm not getting these results. there are test cases for most of these cases. can you share a reproduction?
I'm starting to confirm (this is like the count2
// 💥 Query has incorrect type annotation.
// Expected: { x: number }[]
// Actual: { x: number | null }[]
await sql<{ x: number }[]>`
count(1)::int AS x
select count(1)::int as count2
=>{count2: number | null}
fixed in @ts-safeql/eslint-plugin@3.4.6
I can confirm
select count(1) as count2
is now ✅
select count(1)::int as count2
is now ✅
select pid from pg_stat_activity psa where IS NOT NULL
is now ✅
select from pg_stat_activity psa where IS NOT NULL
is still 👻 { pid: number | null }
select from pg_stat_activity psa where pid IS NOT NULL
is ✅
select pid from pg_stat_activity psa where pid IS NOT NULL
is ✅
Hello dear maintainer,
This is what I have this morning with
on PG-14select count(1)
=>{ count: string }
✅select count(1) as count
=>{ count: string }
✅select count(1) as count2
=>{ count2: unknown }
👻select count(1)::int
=>{count: number}
✅select count(1)::int as count
=>{count: number}
✅select count(1)::int as count2
=>{count2: number | null}
👻select pid from pg_stat_activity
=>{ pid: number | null }
✅select pid from pg_stat_activity where pid IS NOT NULL
=>{ pid: number }
✅select pid from pg_stat_activity psa where pid IS NOT NULL
=>{ pid: number }
✅select pid from pg_stat_activity psa where IS NOT NULL
=>{ pid: number | null }
👻select from pg_stat_activity psa where IS NOT NULL
=>{ pid: number | null }
👻Not exactly sure which failures are known limitations and which ones are unexpected? Would you like me to have a go at one of these cases?