tsaad-dev / te

IETF TE Tunnels YANG models
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A question about the design of TE TOPOLOGY objects' identifier #194

Closed italobusi closed 1 year ago

italobusi commented 1 year ago

Different identifiers for networks, nodes, links and termination points in network topology and TE topology models

For example:

Proposal: update the TE types to be an union with URI; for example: te-node-id is an union between dotted-quad and URI

See: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/teas/SdQbL_yOavuqQxSJqOvJK_d7qTg/

italobusi commented 1 year ago

Discussed during IETF 114 TEAS WG session:

Tarek Saad: question on the union. Do we rely on parsing the value to know if it is dotted-quad or URI? It could be error prone. Italo Busi: good question, to be disucssed during the progress of the document.

See: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/minutes-114-teas-202207251000/

italobusi commented 1 year ago

2023-02-24 TE Call

Xufeng: the union might not work because the URI can be anything, including a dotted-quad

Better to have two separated fields (as in the TE topology model):


     |     +--rw source?                         te-types:te-node-id
     |     +--rw destination?                    te-types:te-node-id


     |     +--rw source?                         te-types:te-node-id
     |     +--rw destination?                    te-types:te-node-id
     |     +--rw source-node-id?                 <<uri>>
     |     +--rw destination-node-id?            <<uri>>

No need to change te-types

italobusi commented 1 year ago

2023-03-10 TE Call


     |     +--rw source
     |     |    +--rw te-node-id?            te-types:te-node-id
     |     |    +--rw node-id?                 <<uri>>
     |     |    +--rw tunnel-tp-id?          binary
     |     +--rw destination
     |     |    +--rw te-node-id?            te-types:te-node-id
     |     |    +--rw node-id?                 <<uri>>
     |     |    +--rw tunnel-tp-id?          binary
tsaad-dev commented 1 year ago

The 'te-node-id' is enough to locate the node in the topology. However, the TE topology has both (node-id is key).

italobusi commented 1 year ago

2023-05-26 TE Call