tsackton / taelgar

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Standardized Region Pages #9

Closed tsackton closed 9 months ago

tsackton commented 10 months ago

The goal of this branch/PR is to establish canonical climate and region information in as little or much detail as can be confidently created for each region.

To this end, I've standardized the "Region" page for each of the seven regions, to include:

I'd like to keep this branch clean with just edits to the region pages themselves, so we can review before merging the PR.

Generally I don't like littering the Gazetteer with lots of real-world examples, so I thought just having a single page that outlines these, for worldbuilding/explanatory purposes, might be nice. Hence, on the region pages, we can I think liberally include real-world analogs of places.

msackton commented 10 months ago

One initial comment: what region is South Cymea, Irrla, MTP, Medju, and similar?

I think it is useful to distinguish between - the vast south lands, currently “reserved” and expected to remain somewhat undefined vs the areas “near” the Green Sea coasts which have had a lot more active brainstorming as far as ideas. I know you posted the map but haven’t had time to look maybe that answers it.

tsackton commented 10 months ago

Map has region boundaries. All those things are Green Sea (Irrla is border of east/west). South is basically desert + everything south and east of desert