tsandmann / freertos-teensy

FreeRTOS port with C++ std::thread support for ARM boards Teensy 3.5, 3.6, 4.0 and 4.1 (cortex-m4f and cortex-m7f)
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Unaligned access UsageFault #12

Closed gertorro closed 2 years ago

gertorro commented 2 years ago

Hello, I am trying to use your port of freertos to teensy to build an acquisition system which communicates over Ethernet. I was able to implement many functionalities without any issue. I managed to get UCP communications working without problems, analogRead from the ADC and a simple state machine, all working in separate tasks. I need to read a device attached to the SPI bus, I have tested the read/config code without freertos withou any issues. It also works in the setup() function but the moment I put the read code inside a task I get the following error:

I/O configured and initialised Starting LTC2983 Setup of LTC2983 complete readADC channel 1 state=5 val=-273.15 Ethernet cable is not connected. Ethernet initialised running FreeRTOS kernel V10.4.6. setup(): starting scheduler... Fault IRQ: 0x00000006 sp: 0x2021E5B0 lr: 0xFFFFFFED stacked_r0: 0x00000000 stacked_r1: 0x00000000 stacked_r2: 0x00000001 stacked_r3: 0x403A0000 stacked_r12: 0xA5A5A5A5 stacked_lr: 0x0000B831 stacked_pc: 0x0000C4D4 stacked_psr: 0x41000000 _CFSR: 0x01000000 (UNALIGNED) Unaligned access UsageFault _HFSR: 0x00000000 _DFSR: 0x00000000 _AFSR: 0x00000000 _BFAR: 0x00000000 _MMAR: 0x00000000 Active task (TCB): readTCfro Active task (stack): readTCfro

And the system keeps throwing memory management errors at me. Here is the task's code: static void readTCfromLTC2983(void*) { while (true) { ltc.beginConversion(1); do { ::vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1'0)); } while (!ltc.isDone()); double val = ltc.readTemperature(1); Serial.print("readADC channel 1 state="); Serial.print(ltc.getState()); Serial.print(" val="); Serial.println(val); Serial.println("Reading temps"); ::vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(500)); } }

I have also tried to access directly the SPI directly without the library for the LTC2983 from inside the task without success. In this case the task is written as: static void readTCfromLTC2983(void) { while (true) { SPI.beginTransaction( SPISettings(2000000, arduino::MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0)); digitalWrite(10, arduino::LOW); SPI.transfer(LTC298X_SPI_WRITE); SPI.transfer16(LTC298X_ADDR_CMD); SPI.transfer(LTC298X_CMD_BEGIN | 1); digitalWrite(10, arduino::HIGH);/ ::vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(500)); } } And the errors I get are these:

I/O configured and initialised Starting LTC2983 Setup of LTC2983 complete readADC channel 1 state=5 val=-273.15 Ethernet cable is not connected. Ethernet initialised

running FreeRTOS kernel V10.4.6. setup(): starting scheduler... Fault IRQ: 0x00000005 sp: 0x202206D8 lr: 0xFFFFFFFD stacked_r0: 0x0000000A stacked_r1: 0x00000000 stacked_r2: 0x00000001 stacked_r3: 0x403A0000 stacked_r12: 0xA5A5A5A5 stacked_lr: 0x00000259 stacked_pc: 0x0000C58C stacked_psr: 0x21000000 _CFSR: 0x00008200 (PRECISERR) Data bus error (address in BFAR) (BFARVALID) Bus Fault Address Valid _HFSR: 0x00000000 _DFSR: 0x00000000 _AFSR: 0x00000000 _BFAR: 0x403A002C _MMAR: 0x403A002C

Active task (TCB): readTCfro Active task (stack): readTCfro

What could be causing this behaviour? Thanks in advanced!

tsandmann commented 2 years ago

Looks like some data structures of the SPI driver get corrupted. Maybe the stack size of the task is too small? Or SPI is also used from another task? I don't think it's an issue with the FreeRTOS port.

gertorro commented 2 years ago

I managed to get it working by changing the optimization configuration of teensyduino from "Fast" to "Fastest". No issues with the SPI whatsoever and the code works like a charm. Thanks for the wonderful port @tsandmann !!