Closed birdboat00 closed 2 months ago
I've never used that library, so I can't really tell if it's compatible with FreeRTOS.
should work in general, but it probably isn't what you want to have there if running on an RTOS. The issue sounds more like an incompatibility of some low-level drivers of that library with the FreeRTOS port.
You could try to replace yield();
with vTaskDelay(1);
Best regards, Timo
i was using the library with this freertos port.
The problem is, it freezes at for some time and then continues, even the SPI clock freezes (atleast the LED stops blinking).
I suspect the problem is the yield(); function. It works without FreeRTOS.
Does this FreeRTOS port support yield, or should I replace it with taskYIELD() or something else?
Best regards