tsandmann / freertos-teensy

FreeRTOS port with C++ std::thread support for ARM boards Teensy 3.5, 3.6, 4.0 and 4.1 (cortex-m4f and cortex-m7f)
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https://github.com/tsandmann/platform-teensy.git Old Version Question #29

Closed Stevenlawrencehoriba closed 1 month ago

Stevenlawrencehoriba commented 1 month ago

Hi Tim, can you provide me with a link so i can fix the build to an older version, that was released with version 10.5.1. FreeRTOS. I need to check if this works, if i use the link above it wil just pull the latest. Which we dont want. I can manage the rtos version manually. I woudl like to try the older verion. Thanks

Stevenlawrencehoriba commented 1 month ago

thanks for the info, but that does not help us either , some other things have totally broken our code.. i went back to the newer stuff and managed to get three out of four tasks running , although the serial output now has issues at startup with all the updates to the compilier tools, platform io and your freertos alonmg side teensy4.1 core. Issues we get are ..

  1. Serial out put delayed and iratic, however I think this is noew something todo with Mutex's as we now get an asset after a few mins of the system running , when the third SDCARD thread is allowed to run, As we have a mutex around the serial output so that multiple threads can debug serial out to the console.
  2. QNEThernet now completly blocks anything from running, tried going backwards but get a compilier error comparing IPAddress's inside the library. I can fix by casting, but stil does not help get our system back running
  3. Freertos version now assets on mutex's it didnt do this before and worked fine!
  4. Other memory issues have appeared, usage of STACK and Heap have had to be increased, despite tring various optimisations
  5. LTO is still not fixed and broken..

Fortuanlty we have a VM backup of the previous builld system, which we are havign to use and disconnect frotm he internet, in order to continue development and fixes for our customer. With all these issues. we are havign to review our approach using the teensy boards as this is just a nightmare to resolve for us, as its all around bad controls around verisoning and releasing. We cant go back to older versions of everything, becuase they are no longer on the internet registry.

The only next option is for us to move to some thing else for furture maintenance or consider using soem other RTOS, which supports the hardware IO.

tsandmann commented 1 month ago

The versions of the platform library and this FreeRTOS port are independent, there is no 'released with version X'. If you don't need support for the EventResponder class (see Readme), you can use the original teensy platform (platform = teensy) from PlatformIO instead of the adapted one to rule out that the issues are related to this.

If you're getting asserts from FreeRTOS, there's probably something wrong with your application code or the way you're using the FreeRTOS API. But that's definitely out of scope for this port of FreeRTOS for the teensy boards. I'm happy to try to help with issues related to the teensy adaptions, but for general issues realted to the RTOS itself, the official FreeRTOS support options are definitely the better place to go.