tsaoyu / WHUT-LaTeX-bachelor

This is a free LaTeX template for the undergraduate thesis at WHUT
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[NoteExpress]Unsupported on-line proxy 无法支持在线代理 #1

Closed tsaoyu closed 6 years ago

tsaoyu commented 10 years ago

In this template NoteExpress 2 was introduced as a great software in managing your reference. However, the setup of proxy (Viture Personal Network is known as VPN) couldn't take effect as supposed. 在本模板中,介绍了NoteExpress 2 这一款参考文献管理软件。但是其中的代理设置存在的问题使得软件不能按预期工作。 Major problems listed following:

  1. Couldn't download full passage from online database.
  2. Unable to search some IP authrorize database like Duxiu.
  3. The auto update function become invalid. 主要问题有:
  4. 无法通过在线数据库下载全文
  5. IP鉴权数据库如读秀图书无法查询条目
  6. 条目自动更新功能部分失效 In order to acheive the function as expected, I recommend the Juniper Networks software provided on https://xvpn.whut.edu.cn .Open this software after login the xvpn system of WHUT and the proxy setting would take effect that allow you get a vaild IP for those online database. 为了实现这些功能,推荐使用学校vpn系统中的土星软件,地址 https://xvpn.whut.edu.cn 。在需要使用NoteExpress 的时候打开这个软件,就可以获得一个校内的IP地址,这样也就可以使用在线数据库了。 The ultimate way to solve this problem is rely on the support of software company of NoteExpress and I am still working on the Python program that build a bright between web online proxy and local software. 解决这个问题需要NoteExpress 软件商的支持,或许我能够写出一个Python小程序让本地程序可以使用网络代理。 Sorry about this inconvenince. 对此问题感到抱歉,希望用户能够正常使用。
tsaoyu commented 6 years ago

Reference manager I would recommend:

I will close this issue as it was not relavent to this template. And I assume you are smart enough to fix the VPN issue if you managed to use LaTeX.