Closed PumpyMcShillbo closed 1 year ago
I have sent you the logs via telegram
Afaik, if you can't see TX in WH log = it wasn't provided to WH, as it's printing all received TX.
I've been facing it for quite a long time. Today, after a week of testing, I'm almost sure that this is a node issue. @PumpyMcShillbo are you using remote ws node?
yes I'm using a remote node and connect locally via WS
I would advise you to get a local node on your dedicated server, where you will deploy WH as well. I'm almost sure this is the reason of the issue, as WH is printing all TX received from node. For me, doing so immediately fixed this missing TX.
I'm running an ETH node on Hetzner. My WH is running on the same server and connected with WS locally (
If you are running a local node, the only thought i have is that the wallet you is not always using a public mempool. Sometimes you can see a label for that on etherscan.
Why would that be the case? Can you explain this random occurrence?
The wallet you track may randomly use non public mempool with nodes like FlashBots. Their purpose is to avoid being copied, sometimes they do that for buy, sometimes for sell. It's usually later labeled on Etherscan, but not always. If there's no TX visible for tracked wallet in WalletHunter, it means node didn't received it, and WalletHunter can't do anything.
Thanks that's interesting info!
+1 if it does not appear on WalletHunter, it means that this Tx was sent through Flashbots RPC. Etherscan usually display it in upper-left corner, but sometimes it does not watch this for more info
I'm not a node expert, but I've always wondered if there is a way to put your node in DEBUG mode, and trace in logs every TxHash that it sent to WalletHunter ?
So as to be 100% sure it's a node problem...
I have observed that certain coins purchased by tracked wallet are not appearing in the my logs (or even output in the terminal).
Normally, WH would either copy the purchase or print a reason why we cannot purchase it.
In this case, there is no record of these coins in the logs or screen output.
It is as if these purchases were not registered or "seen" by WH.
The coins that were purchased but did not show up in the logs were: