tsarbuig / WalletHunter

The first Copytrading crypto bot in the World - for Uniswap & Pancakeswap
21 stars 8 forks source link

[Bug] AMOUNT_OF_BUY_TX_BEFORE_THE_BOT_STOP not working properly #49

Closed AdamB2023 closed 1 year ago

AdamB2023 commented 1 year ago

v0.49.7b AMOUNT_OF_BUY_TX_BEFORE_THE_BOT_STOP set to 3, but bot stopped buying after one TX.

Connected to uniswap

02-18 04:48:38.4838  You are running version  : v0.49.7
02-18 04:48:38.4838  Latest release on Github : v0.49.7

-- WH WHITELIST CHECK ------------------------------------------
Current WalletHunter tokens balance = 100
You hold enough tokens --> let's go!!

-- LET'S HUNT --------------------------------------------------
02-18 04:48:39.4839  Let's hunt wallet(s) [...]
02-18 04:48:39.4839  - BUY_AMOUNT = same_as_tx   --> you will buy same amount as hunted wallets: if he buys 1000 tokens you'll buy 1000 tokens
02-18 04:48:39.4839  - SELL_AMOUNT= same_strategy   --> you will copy hunted wallet's sell strategy: if he sells 10% of his bag, you will sell 10% of your bag too
02-18 04:48:39.4839  - Tx_GAS BUY = 150%   --> you will use 150% of GAS used by hunted wallet: if he uses GAS = 100 you will use GAS = 150
02-18 04:48:39.4839  - Tx_GAS SELL= 150%   --> you will use 150% of GAS used by hunted wallet: if he uses GAS = 100 you will use GAS = 150

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 05:17:12.1712  TX ID #62 ADDRESS: a7b5
02-18 05:17:12.1712  a7b5 - This Tx is an approval Tx --> ignore

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 05:17:44.1744  TX ID #62 ADDRESS: 2d17

2d17 -- PRE-CHECKS BEFORE Tx ----------------------------------------
02-18 05:17:44.1744  2d17 - TX GAS CONTROL ------- Tx GAS = 30.934014397 and current GAS price = 20.622676265  --> let's continue
02-18 05:17:44.1744  2d17 - BALANCE CHECK -------- Your wallet hold 0 of token ZkTsunami --> not enough to make SELL order --> let's stop here

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 05:18:26.1826  TX ID #62 ADDRESS: 2f28
02-18 05:18:26.1826  2f28 - This Tx is an approval Tx --> ignore

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 05:19:05.195  TX ID #62 ADDRESS: 17d4

17d4 -- PRE-CHECKS BEFORE Tx ----------------------------------------
02-18 05:19:05.195  17d4 - TX GAS CONTROL ------- Tx GAS = 33.289022985 and current GAS price = 22.769981492  --> let's continue
02-18 05:19:05.195  17d4 - BALANCE CHECK -------- Your wallet hold 0 of token The BET --> not enough to make SELL order --> let's stop here

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 05:35:46.3546  TX ID #60 ADDRESS: 98e3
02-18 05:35:46.3546  98e3 - This Tx is a Transfer Tx --> ignore

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 08:41:32.4132  TX ID #39 ADDRESS: 6e41
02-18 08:41:32.4132  6e41 - This Tx is a Transfer Tx --> ignore

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 08:49:55.4955  TX ID #55 ADDRESS: 12f8
02-18 08:49:55.4955  12f8 - This kind of Tx is not clonable by WalletHunter yet. Please check below:

------------------- Tx DATA ANALYSIS -------------------

02-18 08:49:55.4955  You will find below the Tx data decrypted:
02-18 08:49:55.4955  Please check inside every line, and search for useful information (token address / amount)
02-18 08:49:55.4955  --> if you find those infos, it can be sniped on same Block: contact @TsarBuig

02-18 08:49:55.4955  [0] 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004db732547630000 --> 350000000000000000

----------------------- ORIGINAL TX -----------------------
  hash: '-',
  type: 2,
  accessList: [],
  blockHash: null,
  blockNumber: null,
  transactionIndex: null,
  confirmations: 0,
  from: '-',
  gasPrice: BigNumber { _hex: '0x0800ef351a', _isBigNumber: true },
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: BigNumber { _hex: '0x3b9aca00', _isBigNumber: true },
  maxFeePerGas: BigNumber { _hex: '0x0800ef351a', _isBigNumber: true },
  gasLimit: BigNumber { _hex: '0x8caf', _isBigNumber: true },
  to: '-',
  value: BigNumber { _hex: '0x00', _isBigNumber: true },
  nonce: 125,
  data: '-',
  r: '-',
  s: '-',
  v: 1,
  creates: null,
  chainId: 1,
  wait: [Function (anonymous)]
---------------------- /ORIGINAL TX -----------------------

Tx = -

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 08:54:57.5457  TX ID #7 ADDRESS: ef53

ef53 -- PRE-CHECKS BEFORE Tx ----------------------------------------

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 08:54:57.5457  TX ID #7 ADDRESS: 23a7

23a7 -- PRE-CHECKS BEFORE Tx ----------------------------------------
02-18 08:54:57.5457  ef53 - TX GAS CONTROL ------- Tx GAS = 120 and current GAS price = 25.348921229  --> let's continue
02-18 08:54:57.5457  23a7 - TX GAS CONTROL ------- Tx GAS = 34.912426224 and current GAS price = 25.348921229  --> let's continue
02-18 08:54:57.5457  ef53 - MINIMAL_MARKETCAP ---- Cannot be calculated because we're in same block as AddLiquidity Tx... price is not defined yet
02-18 08:54:57.5457  23a7 - MINIMAL_MARKETCAP ---- Cannot be calculated because we're in same block as AddLiquidity Tx... price is not defined yet
02-18 08:54:57.5457  ef53 - AMOUNT CONTROL ------- WARNING : this must be a Sniping Tx, cannot calculate precisely BNB value --> let's use tx.value
02-18 08:54:57.5457  ef53 - AMOUNT CONTROL ------- MINIMUM_BUY_AMOUNT_IN_BASE (0.012) <= your buyAmount (0.085) <= MAXIMUM_BUY_AMOUNT_IN_BASE (0.1) --> let's buy
02-18 08:54:57.5457  ef53 - GAS CALCULATION ------ Tx GAS = 120 --> your Tx GAS = 150% * 120 = 180
02-18 08:54:57.5457  23a7 - AMOUNT CONTROL ------- WARNING : this must be a Sniping Tx, cannot calculate precisely BNB value --> let's use tx.value
02-18 08:54:57.5457  23a7 - AMOUNT CONTROL ------- MINIMUM_BUY_AMOUNT_IN_BASE (0.012) <= your buyAmount (0.085) <= MAXIMUM_BUY_AMOUNT_IN_BASE (0.1) --> let's buy
02-18 08:54:57.5457  23a7 - GAS CALCULATION ------ Tx GAS = 34.912426224 --> your Tx GAS = 150% * 34.912426224 = 52.368639336
02-18 08:54:57.5457  ef53 - HONEYPOT / TAX CHECK - Honeypot: true | BuyTax: NaN% | SellTax: NaN% - Check made in: 0.00167s
02-18 08:54:57.5457  ef53 --> HONEYPOT DETECTED --> buy cancelled.
02-18 08:54:57.5457  23a7 - HONEYPOT / TAX CHECK - Honeypot: true | BuyTax: NaN% | SellTax: NaN% - Check made in: 0.00120s
02-18 08:54:57.5457  23a7 --> HONEYPOT DETECTED --> buy cancelled.

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 08:55:53.5553  TX ID #19 ADDRESS: cb93
02-18 08:55:53.5553  cb93 - This Tx is an approval Tx --> ignore

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 08:56:28.5628  TX ID #19 ADDRESS: c7ca
02-18 08:56:28.5628  c7ca - NEW - This is a Uniswap Universal Tx with Command: 0a080c --> let's try to clone it
-------------- DEBUG ----------------
amountIn    = 144836901208726150000000
amountOutMin= 27657374398348092
path lenght = 2
path        = -,-
-------------- /DEBUG ----------------

c7ca -- PRE-CHECKS BEFORE Tx ----------------------------------------
02-18 08:56:28.5628  c7ca - TX GAS CONTROL ------- Tx GAS = 44.187662045 and current GAS price = 25.68559679  --> let's continue
02-18 08:56:28.5628  c7ca - BALANCE CHECK -------- Your wallet hold 0 of token Novus Ordo Seclorum --> not enough to make SELL order --> let's stop here

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 09:01:06.16  TX ID #46 ADDRESS: 756b
02-18 09:01:06.16  756b - NEW - This is a Uniswap Universal Tx with Command: 0b0800 --> let's try to clone it

756b -- PRE-CHECKS BEFORE Tx ----------------------------------------
02-18 09:01:06.16  756b - TX GAS CONTROL ------- Tx GAS = 46.68 and current GAS price = 30.051091211  --> let's continue
02-18 09:01:06.16  756b - MIN_MAX_MARKETCAP ---- liquidity = 14028.43$ --> let's buy
02-18 09:01:06.16  756b - AMOUNT CONTROL ------- MINIMUM_BUY_AMOUNT_IN_BASE (0.012) <= your buyAmount (0.1) <= MAXIMUM_BUY_AMOUNT_IN_BASE (0.1) --> let's buy
02-18 09:01:06.16  756b - GAS CALCULATION ------ Tx GAS = 46.68 --> your Tx GAS = 150% * 46.68 = 70.02
02-18 09:01:06.16  756b - HONEYPOT / TAX CHECK - Honeypot: false | BuyTax: 0% | SellTax: 0% - Check made in: 0.00183s

756b -- COPY SWAP ---------------------------------------------------
02-18 09:01:06.16  756b - BUY Tx - amogus - TX ID - Case 1 - Swap sent in: 0.02135s

756b -- CONTROLS AFTER Tx -------------------------------------------
02-18 09:01:12.112  756b - BUY PRICE  ----------- You used 0.100000000000 Wrapped Ether to buy 10217138.938317941502 amogus --> Buy price = 0.000000009787 Wrapped Ether/amogus
02-18 09:01:12.112  756b - POSITION IN BLOCK ---- FRONTRUN : you managed to frontrun the original Tx :) (18 position before)
02-18 09:01:12.112  756b - BALANCE CHECK -------- Your ETH balance is: 1.861154086897004134
02-18 09:01:12.112  756b - TOKEN APPROVAL ------- Token amogus needs approval --> let's approve
02-18 09:01:36.136  756b - amogus approval Tx: TX ID

756b -- ANTI RUG ----------------------------------------------------
02-18 09:01:36.136  756b ANTIRUG -------------- Anti rug-pull method starts for token amogus
02-18 09:01:37.137  756b GET CONTRACT --------- amogus contract is open source --> we will be able to offer you good protection

756b -- AUTO SELL ---------------------------------------------------
02-18 09:01:38.138  756b - AUTO SELL VALUES ----- amogus | Buy price (including fees) 0.000000009787476 | Stoploss (0%) 0.000000000000000 | Current Sell Tax 0%
02-18 09:01:38.138  756b - AUTO SELL VALUES ----- amogus | 1st target price 0.000000019574952 --> will sell 50% of your initial bag (5108569469158970511529411 tokens)
02-18 09:01:38.138  756b - AUTO SELL VALUES ----- amogus | 2nd target price 0.000000978649704 --> will sell 50% of your initial bag (5108569469158970511529411 tokens)
amogus       Price (756b): 0.000000008845 | Sell Tax 0% < Max Tax (60%) | Price after Tax 0.000000008845203938 | 1st target price 0.000000019575 | Stoploss 0.000000000 | Current profit: -9.6%

-- SWAP DETECTED -----------------------------------------------
02-18 09:01:43.143  TX ID #46 ADDRESS: 5d6c
02-18 09:01:43.143  5d6c - NEW - This is a Uniswap Universal Tx with Command: 0b0800 --> let's try to clone it
02-18 09:01:43.143  5d6c - SHOULD WE CONTINUE? -- BUY Tx made in a row = 3 | AMOUNT_OF_BUY_TX_BEFORE_THE_BOT_STOP parameter = 3 --> cancel BUY
tsarbuig commented 1 year ago

done in v0.50