tsauvine / rubyric

Rubric-based assessment tool
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Lazy creation of reviews in collaborative mode #49

Open tsauvine opened 8 years ago

tsauvine commented 8 years ago

In 'submission wall' collaborative mode, if a student clicks the 'comment' button to view the submission, a review object is created. Preferably, a review should only be created if the student actually writes feedback and saves.

khanetor commented 8 years ago

I feel that we should unify the use of keyword comment and review. It can cause misunderstanding.

khanetor commented 8 years ago

If we pay attention to the Rails pattern, when you are about to create an object, we may call Review.new as a placeholder for the view, but we do not save it to DB.

When a user click on the Create Comment button, we go to /submissions/:id/review, which is this action

# submissions_controller.rb

def review
    return access_denied unless @course.has_teacher(current_user) || @submission.group.has_reviewer?(current_user) || (@exercise.collaborative_mode == 'review' && (@course_instance.has_student(current_user) || @course_instance.has_assistant(current_user)))

    review = @submission.assign_to(current_user)

    redirect_to edit_review_path(review)
    log "create_review #{@submission.id},#{@exercise.id}"

The question is, why do we not present a form to create a review here without creating a review until the user click Submit Review?