The news item name can be whatever you wish, but is limited to 255 characters in length. Whatever you type here will be converted to a web-friendly URL, using the following logig:
Spaces are converted to dashes
Special characters are removed
Everthing is converted to lower case
Changing the URL of a news item
Typically, you don't want the URL of a page to change, ever. Thus, once a page is saved, its URL becomes immutable. For example, if you name a news item "What's New?" and then save it, its URL will be /news-item/whats-new. If you then edit the news item and change the name to What's new today?, the URL wil not change. If you wish to change the URL of the news item, you must copy its content, create a new news item, paste the content in, and give the news item a new name. You can then safely delete the old news item.
Preview Image
Just below the title section of the Edit Panel you'll see a light grey square, and below that is a button labelled Preview Image. This allows you to specify what preview image you would like to use for the news item. The image is used on the /news page of the site, where news items are listed.
In order to specify a specific preview image, click the button, browse for the image, and upload it. It will auotmatically be converted to the proper size for you.
Access Level
Almost any page on the site can be given an access level, except for the home page, which must, for obvious reasons, always be accessible to the public.
There are three possible access levels:
Public - the post can be accessed by anyone
Account Required - the post can only be accessed by users who have an acccount, and are currently logged in
Menu Settings
So, if you have a dark image at the top of the page (or a section with a dark background color), and you want the menu to blend into the top of the page, you can set the menu to transparent, and the menu text to dark.
Warning: If you inadvertently set the menu text to the same (or a similar) color as the background of the page, it will look a lot like your menu has disappared. It hasn't. Roll your mouse around the top of the page and you will discover that it is still there, even though you cannot see it. Just edit the page again and change the menu text from light to dark (or vice versa) and the menu will appear again.
Sharing Image
These tags are generated from the sharing imagen chosen for the page, converted to formats approrpriate for social media sites.
Set the news item name
The news item name can be whatever you wish, but is limited to 255 characters in length. Whatever you type here will be converted to a web-friendly URL, using the following logig:
Spaces are converted to dashes Special characters are removed Everthing is converted to lower case
Changing the URL of a news item
Typically, you don't want the URL of a page to change, ever. Thus, once a page is saved, its URL becomes immutable. For example, if you name a news item "What's New?" and then save it, its URL will be /news-item/whats-new. If you then edit the news item and change the name to What's new today?, the URL wil not change. If you wish to change the URL of the news item, you must copy its content, create a new news item, paste the content in, and give the news item a new name. You can then safely delete the old news item.
Preview Image
Just below the title section of the Edit Panel you'll see a light grey square, and below that is a button labelled Preview Image. This allows you to specify what preview image you would like to use for the news item. The image is used on the /news page of the site, where news items are listed.
In order to specify a specific preview image, click the button, browse for the image, and upload it. It will auotmatically be converted to the proper size for you.
Access Level
Almost any page on the site can be given an access level, except for the home page, which must, for obvious reasons, always be accessible to the public.
There are three possible access levels:
Public - the post can be accessed by anyone Account Required - the post can only be accessed by users who have an acccount, and are currently logged in
Menu Settings
So, if you have a dark image at the top of the page (or a section with a dark background color), and you want the menu to blend into the top of the page, you can set the menu to transparent, and the menu text to dark. Warning: If you inadvertently set the menu text to the same (or a similar) color as the background of the page, it will look a lot like your menu has disappared. It hasn't. Roll your mouse around the top of the page and you will discover that it is still there, even though you cannot see it. Just edit the page again and change the menu text from light to dark (or vice versa) and the menu will appear again.
Sharing Image
These tags are generated from the sharing imagen chosen for the page, converted to formats approrpriate for social media sites.