tsayen / dom-to-image

Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas
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Topng() and toJPEG() give empty response #197

Open shahebaz444 opened 6 years ago

shahebaz444 commented 6 years ago

Use case: description, code

domtoimage.toJpeg(document.getElementById('gridview'), { quality: 0.95 }) .then(function (dataUrl) { console.log(dataUrl) });

Html <gridster [options]="options" class="grid-height" id="gridview"> <gridster-item [item]="textgrid" *ngFor="let textgrid of textList"> <textarea ui-tinymce="tinymceOptions" [(ngModel)]="templateHTMLObj" (click) = "onClick($event)" placeholder="Enter Text Here" class="text-height" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}">

Actual behavior (stack traces, console logs etc)

(response) data:,

Error: Error while reading CSS rules from https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css SecurityError: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules ----->> dom-to-image.js:684

Syndesi commented 6 years ago

Hi, do you use a UI framework like React, Angular or Vue? If so, can you please post the whole rendered HTML, preferred within a code element? Furthermore without an example it's hard to gues the error. It might be CORS, unknown elements (if your HTML is the rendered HTML) or even an empty stylesheet.

nassatar commented 6 years ago

hi i met same problem in my vue project. thank you, @Syndesi. your answer helped me figure out the problem ^-^. and @shahebaz444 , make sure that your tag with id 'gridview' has a size. If so, you should check the elements you posted are rendered or not. and if you run your project in localhost, solve cross-orion first.

josemigg commented 6 years ago

I had the same issue. the problem was that I had a this styles in the rendered component:

.component-to-png { margin: 0 auto; height: 320px; width: 300px; }

I just added a wrapper and removed margin: 0 auto;

.component-to-png-wrapper { display: flex; justify-content: center; }

.component-to-png { height: 320px; width: 300px; }

This worked.

InYourHead commented 5 years ago

If you use toPng() instead of toBlob() method, you need to check, does your image size meets limitations browser limitations

robertying commented 4 years ago

My problem was I didn't set the size of the image.

Adding some size to it solves the issue:

                    width: 100,
                    height: 100