tschaub / grunt-newer

Configure Grunt tasks to run with newer files only.
MIT License
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Support to define custom caching decision to skip task #32

Open raDiesle opened 10 years ago

raDiesle commented 10 years ago


in our project, there is atm a mixture of another build tool and grunt. The other build tool is called with shell:ant task.

It would be very cool to give a custom decision to cache or not to cache, at simplest to explicitly name the files to decide to cache or not.

e.g. something like:

newer : { antCache: ['folderOne/*/'] }

registerTask("cacheAnt", "newer:antCache:shell:ant")

Does this make sense to you?

tschaub commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to accomplish. Can you provide more detail or try explaining in a different way?