tschaub / grunt-newer

Configure Grunt tasks to run with newer files only.
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grunt-ts support #38

Closed jrmyio closed 9 years ago

jrmyio commented 10 years ago

I am trying to use grunt-ts along with grunt-newer but I am facing some problems. I am using the ts { test { { src : ["test.ts", "test_2.ts", outDir: tmp/ } } }

The problem seems to be that the outDir configuration is not there when i am using newer:ts.

Running "newer:ts:client_ts" (newer) task Options: cache="D:\Localhost\www\won\node_modules\grunt-newer.cache" Files: test.ts test_2.ts

Running "ts:test" (ts) task Verifying property ts.test exists in config...OK Files: test.ts -> [no dest] Options: allowBool, allowImportModule=false, compile, declaration=false, mapRoot="", module="amd", noImplicitAny=false, noResolve=false, comments=null, removeComments=null, sourceMap=false, sourceRoot="", target="es5", verbose=false Warning: Cannot call method 'indexOf' of undefined Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

panuhorsmalahti commented 10 years ago

I have the same error.

samherrmann commented 10 years ago

same here...

$ grunt newer:ts --stack Running "newer:ts" (newer) task

Running "newer:ts:build" (newer) task

Running "ts:build" (ts) task Warning: Cannot call method 'indexOf' of undefined Use --force to continue. TypeError: Cannot call method 'indexOf' of undefined at C:\project\node_modules\grunt\lib\grunt\file.js:55:29 at Array.forEach (native) at processPatterns (C:\project\node_modules\grunt\lib\grunt\file.js:53:34) at Object.file.expand (C:\project\node_modules\grunt\lib\grunt\file.js:110:17) at filterFilesAndCompile (C:\project\node_modules\grunt-ts\tasks\ts.js:209:40) at C:\project\node_modules\grunt-ts\tasks\ts.js:345:20 at next (C:\project\node_modules\grunt-ts\tasks\ts.js:54:26) at C:\project\node_modules\grunt-ts\tasks\ts.js:59:9 at invokeResolver (C:\project\node_modules\grunt-ts\node_modules\es6-promise\dist\commonjs\promise\promise.js:42:5) at new Promise (C:\project\node_modules\grunt-ts\node_modules\es6-promise\dist\commonjs\promise\promise.js:29:3)

Aborted due to warnings.

tschaub commented 9 years ago

It sounds like grunt-ts doesn't follow Grunt's conventions for configuring src and dest files.

tschaub commented 9 years ago

I'm going to fold this into #67 for tracking all grunt-ts related issues.