tschaub / grunt-newer

Configure Grunt tasks to run with newer files only.
MIT License
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Not working with grunt-includes #49

Open mbrammer opened 10 years ago

mbrammer commented 10 years ago

grunt-newer doesn't work with grunt-includes. Here is my grunt-includes config:

includes: {
    js: {
        options: {
            duplicates: false
        files: [{
            cwd: '<%= pkg.jsAppDir %><%= pkg.theme %>',
            src: 'watchdir/**/*.js',
            dest: '<%= pkg.jsAppDir %><%= pkg.theme %>/.generated/',

If I run grunt newer:includes:js I get an Warning: ENOENT, stat 'watchdir/file1.js' Use --force to continue.. So the file seems not to exist for him, but it does.
If I run in verbose mode I can see the file list.

Files: watchdir/file1.js, watchdir/file2.js, watchdir/file3.js -> app/frontend/js/themes/default/.generated/
ogbaoghene commented 9 years ago

+1 Having the same problem here.

monkeytwins commented 9 years ago

i have this problem too.

davegreenwp commented 9 years ago

Having this exact same issue alongside grunt-svg2png!

zachrybaker commented 6 years ago

Same here.