First off, thanks for making this module - it's been incredibly useful for a project I'm working on!
Contained herein are the changes that I needed to make it work for me using Python 3.4 and Django 1.9. Please feel free to merge if appropriate, or to apply the changes in a more backwards-compatible manner if necessary. I'm happy to work to get this merged (if for no other reason than that I don't want to have to maintain a fork!) so comments are appreciated.
Coverage remained the same at 69.217% when pulling 5dc52568957fe1696fde744211bd92c59a38c3d9 on robredpath:master into 4fd9366bef84527d18151c347a963418579311ff on tschellenbach:master.
First off, thanks for making this module - it's been incredibly useful for a project I'm working on!
Contained herein are the changes that I needed to make it work for me using Python 3.4 and Django 1.9. Please feel free to merge if appropriate, or to apply the changes in a more backwards-compatible manner if necessary. I'm happy to work to get this merged (if for no other reason than that I don't want to have to maintain a fork!) so comments are appreciated.