tschoffelen / php-pkpass

💳 PHP class for creating passes for Wallet on iOS.
MIT License
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sorry, your pass cannot be installed to Passbook at this time #138

Closed usamajamil213 closed 3 months ago

usamajamil213 commented 4 months ago

I encountered an issue where attempts to install a pass to Passbook were unsuccessful, resulting in the error message: "Sorry, your pass cannot be installed to Passbook at this time." This issue persists despite multiple attempts to install the pass.

tschoffelen commented 4 months ago

Hi @usamajamil213 - thanks for opening an issue. Have you managed to try the debugging steps listed the README? If you share the error messages the console shows here, we might be able to help you with next steps.

usamajamil213 commented 4 months ago

@tschoffelen File is not downloading on phone when I try to download file showing this https://ibb.co/yWRrWbK

error 09:59:03.176497+0100 Pass Viewer Trying to begin a document opening session, but a session already exists. default 09:59:03.196410+0100 Pass Viewer Verifying structure for pass <private> default 09:59:03.198705+0100 Pass Viewer Verifying signature for pass <private> using network:1 default 09:59:03.202735+0100 Pass Viewer MessageSecurity and Security frameworks have different signed attributes results, returning Security result. sec: { {length = 9, bytes = 0x2a864886f70d010905} = ( {length = 15, bytes = 0x170d3234303330373038353835375a} ); kSecCMSSignDate = "2024-03-07 08:58:57 +0000"; kSecCMSAllCerts = ( "<cert(0x13f00e600) s: Pass Type ID: pass.com.qrcampaign.wallet i: Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority>", "<cert(0x13f00f000) s: Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority i: Apple Root CA>" ); {length = 9, bytes = 0x2a864886f70d01090f} = ( {length = 108, bytes = 0x306a300b 06096086 48016503 04012a30 ... 86f70d03 02020128 } ); {length = 9, bytes = 0x2a864886f70d010903} = ( {length = 9, bytes = 0x2a864886f70d010701} ); {length = 9, bytes = 0x2a864886f70d010904} = ( {length = 32, bytes = 0xb30c418a 24555139 4e65e379 ff154581 ... 34db0dc5 ff356ecd } ); }, ms: { {length = 9, bytes = 0x2a864886f70d010905} = ( {length = 15, bytes = 0x170d3234303330373038353835375a} default 09:59:03.207691+0100 Pass Viewer Trust evaluate failure: [leaf LeafMarkerOid] default 09:59:03.209340+0100 Pass Viewer Error evaluating trust. Status: 0 ResultType: 0 Description: <private> - <private>. default 09:59:03.209362+0100 Pass Viewer Signature validation: * FAILED * error 09:59:03.209640+0100 Pass Viewer Invalid data error reading pass pass.com.qrcampaign.qrwallet/533433-965-259. The passTypeIdentifier or teamIdentifier provided may not match your certificate, or the certificate trust chain could not be verified. error 09:59:03.212002+0100 Pass Viewer An uncaught exception was raised error 09:59:03.212016+0100 Pass Viewer * -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil error 09:59:03.226788+0100 Pass Viewer ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x000000018db3c570 __exceptionPreprocess + 176 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000018d62deb4 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 CoreFoundation 0x000000018da68584 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 1284 3 Pass Viewer 0x0000000100f90c74 Pass Viewer + 19572 4 AppKit 0x00000001916c9f2c -[NSApplication _doOpenFile:ok:tryTemp:] + 324 5 AppKit 0x00000001916dbb8c __88-[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _openURLs:requestedBySourceApp:completionHandler:]_block_invoke.41 + 292 6 AppKit 0x00000001916db92c withWindowOrderingObserverHeuristic + 544 7 AppKit 0x00000001916db470 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _openURLs:requestedBySourceApp:completionHandler:] + 1108 8 AppKit 0x0000000191503b5c __69-[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenDocumentsForURLs:]_block_invoke + 564 9 AppKit 0x00000001915038a4 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenDocumentsForURLs:] + 244 10 AppKit 0x00000001912a8124 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 412 11 Foundation 0x000000018eba6414 -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 316 12 Foundation 0x000000018eba6208 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 80 13 AE 0x0000000194a1cdc0 _AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock + 13808 14 AE 0x0000000194a1c6e8 _AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock + 12056 15 AE 0x0000000194a15cf8 aeProcessAppleEvent + 488 16 HIToolbox 0x00000001980842d4 AEProcessAppleEvent + 68 17 AppKit 0x00000001912a2bb0 _DPSNextEvent + 1440 18 AppKit 0x0000000191a7c980 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 716 19 AppKit 0x0000000191295d50 -[NSApplication run] + 476 20 AppKit 0x000000019126d014 NSApplicationMain + 880 21 dyld 0x000000018d6690e0 start + 2360 )

tschoffelen commented 4 months ago

From that error, it looks like you might not be using the right certificate for the team identifier you specified:

Pass Viewer Invalid data error reading pass pass.com.qrcampaign.qrwallet/533433-965-259. The passTypeIdentifier or teamIdentifier provided may not match your certificate, or the certificate trust chain could not be verified.

tschoffelen commented 3 months ago

Closing for now, as this seems to be an implementation specific issue.