tschuchortdev / kotlin-compile-testing

A library for testing Kotlin and Java annotation processors, compiler plugins and code generation
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Adding `--enable-preview` to `javacArguments` does not work. How to properly do this? #385

Closed GavinRay97 closed 4 months ago

GavinRay97 commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to write an annotation processor which imports java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment from the Panama API's.

My config is:

val result = KotlinCompilation().apply {
    sources = listOf(javaSource, kotlinSource)
    annotationProcessors = listOf(MyAnnotationProcessor())

    inheritClassPath = true
    messageOutputStream = System.out


When running this though, I get:

e: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation15220667380494120571/kapt/sources/com/example/SQLite3HeaderAccessor.java:3: error: MemorySegment is a preview API and is disabled by default.
import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
  (use --enable-preview to enable preview APIs)

Is there any way to enable preview API's/does someone have an example of doing this? Thank you! 🙏

It looks like javacOptions is not receiving the --enable-preview flag in kapt, I think:

Javac options: {}

[incremental apt] Changed files: []
[incremental apt] Compiled sources directories: 
[incremental apt] Cache directory for incremental compilation: null
[incremental apt] Changed classpath names: 

i: [kapt] Initial analysis took 1197 ms
i: [kapt] Kotlin files to compile: [SQLite3Header.kt]
i: [kapt] Stubs compilation took 90 ms
i: [kapt] Compiled classes: com/example/SQLite3HeaderKt, com/example/SQLite3HeaderKt$DefaultImpls
i: [kapt] All Javac options: {
tschuchortdev commented 1 year ago

Can you post a minimal example to reproduce this, ideally with the code for logging javac arguments. Also, try javacArguments.addAll("--enable-preview", "-source", "16") since --enable-preview has to be used together with -source or --release, apparently.

GavinRay97 commented 1 year ago

Sure -- thanks for getting back to me.

I've attached a minimal project in a .zip below -- you can get the repro and the debug output containing the kapt params with javac args by running:

./gradlew test --info

Which should print output like:

CLICK TO DISPLAY ```ps1 > Task :lib:test Build cache key for task ':lib:test' is e83b95de97cd64e75eb00ac0e76fea5b Task ':lib:test' is not up-to-date because: Task has failed previously. Watching 46 directories to track changes Watching 41 directories to track changes Watching 40 directories to track changes file or directory '/home/user/projects/panama-annotation-processor/lib/build/classes/java/test', not found Starting process 'Gradle Test Executor 10'. Working directory: /home/user/projects/panama-annotation-processor/lib Command: /home/user/.sdkman/candidates/java/20.0.2-tem/bin/java -Dorg.gradle.internal.worker.tmpdir=/home/user/pr ojects/panama-annotation-processor/lib/build/tmp/test/work -Dorg.gradle.native=false @/home/user/.gradle/.tmp/gradle-worker-classpath11161890201542787179txt -Xmx512m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.country -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -ea worker.org.gradle.process.internal.worker.GradleWorkerMain 'Gradle Test Executor 10' Successfully started process 'Gradle Test Executor 10' MyAnnotationProcessorTest > annotation processor test() STANDARD_OUT Starting test logging: Created temporary working directory at /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634 logging: Inheriting classpaths: v: Using Kotlin home directory v: Using JDK home directory /home/user/.sdkman/candidates/java/20.0.2-tem v: Exception on loading scripting plugin: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.compiler.plugin.ScriptingCompilerConfigurationComponentRegistrar v: Scripting plugin will not be loaded: not all required jars are present in the classpath (missing files: [./kotlin-scripting-compiler.jar, ./kotlin-scripting-compiler-impl.jar, ./kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm.jar, ./kotlin-scripting-common.jar, ./kotlin-scripting-jvm.jar, ./kotlin-scripting-js.jar, ./js.engines.jar]) v: Using JVM IR backend v: Configuring the compilation environment v: Loading modules: [java.se, jdk.accessibility, jdk.attach, jdk.compiler, jdk.dynalink, jdk.httpserver, jdk.incubator.concurrent, jdk.incubator.vector, jdk.jartool, jdk.javadoc, jdk.jconsole, jdk.jdi, jdk.jfr, jdk.jshell, j dk.jsobject, jdk.management, jdk.management.jfr, jdk.net, jdk.nio.mapmode, jdk.sctp, jdk.security.auth, jdk.security.jgss, jdk.unsupported, jdk.unsupported.desktop, jdk.xml.dom, java.base, java.compiler, java.datatransfer, java. desktop, java.xml, java.instrument, java.logging, java.management, java.management.rmi, java.rmi, java.naming, java.net.http, java.prefs, java.scripting, java.security.jgss, java.security.sasl, java.sql, java.transaction.xa, java.sql.rowset, java.xml.crypto, jdk.internal.jvmstat, jdk.zipfs, jdk.internal.opt, jdk.management.agent, jdk.jdwp.agent, jdk.internal.ed, jdk.internal.le] i: [kapt] Kapt3 is enabled. Annotation processing mode: stubsAndApt Memory leak detection mode: default Show processor stats: false Verbose mode: true Info as warnings: false Use light analysis: true Correct error types: false Dump default parameter values: false Map diagnostic locations: true Strict mode: false Detect annotation processors in compile classpath: true Incremental annotation processing (apt mode): false Strip @Metadata annotations from stubs: false Keep KDoc comments in stubs: true Use JVM IR backend: false Project base dir: null Compile classpath: Java source roots: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/sources/MyClass2.java Sources output directory: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/sources Class files output directory: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/classes Stubs output directory: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/stubs Incremental data output directory: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/incrementalData Annotation processing classpath: Annotation processors: AP options: {kapt.kotlin.generated=/tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/kotlinGenerated} Javac options: {} [incremental apt] Changed files: [] [incremental apt] Compiled sources directories: [incremental apt] Cache directory for incremental compilation: null [incremental apt] Changed classpath names: i: [kapt] Initial analysis took 947 ms i: [kapt] Kotlin files to compile: [MyClass1.kt] i: [kapt] Stubs compilation took 107 ms i: [kapt] Compiled classes: panama/annotation/processor/MyClass1 i: [kapt] All Javac options: {-Akapt.kotlin.generated=/tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/kotlinGenerated=-Akapt.kotlin.generated=/tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/kotlinGenerated, -proc:=only, ac cessInternalAPI=true, --class-path=, --processor-path=, -s=/tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/sources, -d=/tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/classes, -encoding=UTF-8} i: [kapt] Java stub generation took 9 ms i: [kapt] Stubs for Kotlin classes: panama/annotation/processor/MyClass1.java, error/NonExistentClass.java v: Output: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/stubs/panama/annotation/processor/MyClass1.java Sources: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/sources/MyClass1.kt v: Output: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/stubs/panama/annotation/processor/MyClass1.kapt_metadata Sources: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/sources/MyClass1.kt v: Output: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/incrementalData/panama/annotation/processor/MyClass1.class Sources: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/sources/MyClass1.kt v: Output: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/kapt/incrementalData/META-INF/main.kotlin_module Sources: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/sources/MyClass1.kt e: /tmp/Kotlin-Compilation16637249140831897634/sources/MyClass2.java:3: error: MemorySegment is a preview API and is disabled by default. import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment; ^ (use --enable-preview to enable preview APIs) e: File Object History : [] e: Open Type Names : [] e: Gen. Src Names : [] e: Gen. Cls Names : [] e: Agg. Gen. Src Names : [] e: Agg. Gen. Cls Names : [] ```


I think the issue is here, fwiw: https://github.com/tschuchortdev/kotlin-compile-testing/blob/82ec5425c52e968ae706af0f667d8fe2fe5efdca/core/src/main/kotlin/com/tschuchort/compiletesting/KotlinCompilation.kt#L360-L374

The javac arguments don't seem to be passed through here.

public final class KaptOptions : org.jetbrains.kotlin.base.kapt3.KaptFlags {
   // ...
    public final class Builder public constructor() {
        // ...
        public final val javacOptions: kotlin.collections.MutableMap<kotlin.String, kotlin.String> /* compiled code */

I tried to fork and modify your code, but since javacOptions here expects a Map, I couldn't figure out how to pass arguments that don't expect an -foo=X value like --enable-preview.

GavinRay97 commented 1 year ago

I found a small handful of repos which seem to have --enable-preview being passed to kapt via javacOptions:

kapt {
    javacOptions {
        option("--enable-preview", "")
kapt {
    arguments {
        arg("mapstruct.unmappedTargetPolicy", "IGNORE")
    javacOptions {