tsdconseil / opencv-demonstrator

OpenCV demonstrator (GUI)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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New demonstration regarding stereo vision #32

Open juliena82 opened 8 years ago

juliena82 commented 8 years ago


Following the idea you have submitted in the "demonstration proposal" thread, I propose that we try to define together more precisely the perimeter of this demo you are thinking about.

As a beginning:

So we may have at least 2 démos to specify : the stereo calibration, and the rectification demo.

And from that point surely we can do many more things with reprojected video:

What do you think about it? I am sure you have other ideas, please feel free to say! Also, maybe you have already written some code about thèse subjects?

applemuncy commented 8 years ago

I think you have captured most of my thoughts and added new ideas. Toward this goal I have purchased 3 pairs of very inexpensive webcams that I I still need to mount side by side mindful of the future needs of physical adjustments. The only code I have done so far is minimal to get working two cams streaming at the same time. I do see the future need of a specialized demo program.

Perhaps a hypothesis to test: Is there much to be gained by using two cameras side by side rather than a single camera that perhaps moves? Anyway, coding is good : )

juliena82 commented 8 years ago

I think that a single camera that moves might need quite other algorithms than 2 fixed cameras. Also I don't know if there is any OpenCV function to handle this case...

valera-rozuvan commented 8 years ago

@juliena82 @applemuncy I think we can solve the problem of 2 cameras if we provide the user with ability to connect IP cameras. Please see Issue https://github.com/tsdconseil/opencv-demonstrator/issues/38 .

applemuncy commented 8 years ago

Two webcams do work now provided underlining hardware is fast enough, eg. USB.

applemuncy commented 8 years ago

I an testing using addWeighted() to combine the two images into one as a means of aiming the two webcams at a distant point by physical adjustment. 2va0 2va1 2va2

juliena82 commented 8 years ago

Good idea! Don't hesitate to add it to the main repo when it works.