tsdconseil / opencv-demonstrator

OpenCV demonstrator (GUI)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Saving an output image to file fixed 'chez moi' #56

Closed applemuncy closed 8 years ago

applemuncy commented 8 years ago

With a very minor edit I am able now to save output images but have not yet pushed a commit. I'll get a commit cleaned up to push in a day or two.

applemuncy commented 8 years ago

OK, made a pull request. Not as clean a commit as I wanted to do but the trouble of excluding other small edits didn't seem worth the trouble.

juliena82 commented 8 years ago

@applemuncy I fixed some minor mistakes in your push: You changed default number of input images to 2 instead of 1, which resulted in 2 images required for every demo. To support 2 input image, one has only to say it in the demo properties (see StereoCal demo in 3d.cpp for example).

Also you added some debug trace, I just changed their level from normal to verbose.

Also, I don't yet understand what will be the final role of the new "open" button you have added in the main window. Can you tell me more about it?

applemuncy commented 8 years ago

I woke up this morning realizing I had not done the right thing with the commit message. I left off the [ocvdemo]. I will endeavored to remember in the future to add the bracketed label.

The open button is my attempt to make it possible to choose input images before selecting a demo. It is incomplete in that I don't know how to fully initialize the img_selection before calling the show method. But I also now understand how to edit the model.xml file to accomplish input images. It's just my opinion that one should have the option available on the first screen.

By the way, I have my pair of webcams mounted and will be experimenting with them.

juliena82 commented 8 years ago


I am not sure if it is useful to be able to choose the demo input from the main dialog, when no demo is selected. Don't we should try to keep the application as simple as possible? What do you think about it? But maybe you think of a usecase that I didn't think of?

"By the way, I have my pair of webcams mounted and will be experimenting with them"

Great! I too need the 2 cameras functionnality so as to continue with the stereo démos. So it is an additionnal motivation to finish the 2 cameras support ;)

juliena82 commented 8 years ago

@applemuncy It's too much work for me to edit the conflicts each time you propose a new branch ;) So I just sent you an invitation to be part of the team with write accesses to the repo. But please be carefull to update regularly, especially before modifying or writing new code, and also please be carefull not to modify code that you are not sure to fully understand yet! (Yes I know some code is still a little like spaghetti mess ;) ) By the way, now the dual camera Stream is working (see new demo misc/camera-capture), and also you can save all the output images.