tsdmrfth / baba-flow

Git Flow extension for Visual Studio Code.
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Git Flow library is not installed on your computer. Click install and follow instructions to install it. #8

Open monirkohi2006 opened 5 years ago

monirkohi2006 commented 5 years ago

Environment: Operating System: Window 10 IDE: Latest Stable Build of VS Code git: git version 2.21.0.windows.1 git-flow: 1.12.0 (AVH Edition)

Available subcommands are: init Initialize a new git repo with support for the branching model. feature Manage your feature branches. bugfix Manage your bugfix branches. release Manage your release branches. hotfix Manage your hotfix branches. support Manage your support branches. version Shows version information. config Manage your git-flow configuration. log Show log deviating from base branch.

Try 'git flow help' for details.

viktorsml commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem. Git flow is working fine but the extension doesn't recognize it. Could it be because I installed git on a custom path?

stevebeauge commented 5 years ago

I suspect this is due to https://github.com/tsdmrfth/baba-flow/blob/1d1847f28b0c20f0d21732973579f572c35b4cb5/src/init.js#L187

The flow command is git flow, not git-flow on windows, at least when git is installed using Git for windows

tsdmrfth commented 5 years ago

Hey friends. Sorry for late response. When i released this project i could find time to develop this project but now unfortunately i have not enough time. I will try to solve issues as soon as i can.

MMike17 commented 3 years ago

Still have this problem in Décember of 2020 x)

Does someone have a hand made fix ? Does the extention work when we install gitflow as a standalone ?

myfonj commented 2 years ago

I think it should use the git.path settings value from settings.json in the VSC profile folder (if it is possible to read preferrences), or query the "Git that is used by VSCode itself" if there is some method to do it.

It is possible to have portable instance of VSC (data folder next to Code.exe) with portable instance of GIT somewhere nearby. Sadly, many git-related extension just assume git is in the %path% :(