tsechingho / ckeditor-rails

Integrate CKEditor javascript library with Rails asset pipeline
MIT License
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Limiting languages to precompile can have unexpected side effects #73

Open nathansamson opened 8 years ago

nathansamson commented 8 years ago

My config is like

Ckeditor::Rails.configure do |config|
  # default is nil for all languages, or set as %w[en zh]
  config.assets_languages = %w(en nl fr)

  # default is nil for all plugins,
  # or set as white list: %w[image link liststyle table tabletools]
  # or set as black list: config.default_plugins - %w[about a11yhelp]
  config.assets_plugins = %w(image link liststyle table tabletools pastefromword clipboard)

  # default is nil for all skins, or set as %w[moono]
  #config.assets_skins = %w(simple)

When loading my site with a locale of en-GB (although the I18n.locale is set to nl) it crashes with the following

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (https://www.radarwerk.be/assets/ckeditor/lang/en-gb.js?t=F7J9)
application-8f9c169d5aa34a687e102e32d9f95e62ac04221196e4dba7ce4916508c71bec1.js:89 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'dir' of undefined (https://www.radarwerk.be/assets/application-8f9c169d5aa34a687e102e32d9f95e62ac04221196e4dba7ce4916508c71bec1.js:89)

When I don't compile the language the user is in, I want it to fallback properly (first to the language independant language, then to en (same in this case)). In the first place I want to use the language of the site in all honesty (nl)

johansmitsnl commented 8 years ago

I have the same issue. Did you find a solution?