tsedio / tsed-formio

Repository dedicated to formiojs.
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[BUG] Title #132

Open Drashti-Shah opened 9 months ago

Drashti-Shah commented 9 months ago

While using storybook of tsed-formio library, in layout component Rich text editor is not working properly The bulleted list and numbered list are not showing bullets and number index respectively I am not able to find code for this in library, Can anyone please tell me how can override the CSS of the library to make it work or how can I change the CSS manually inside lib in order to display bullets and numbers in the list?

Screenshot 2023-08-17 224114 Screenshot 2023-08-17 224209


Romakita commented 1 month ago

Probably the styling is missing the Editor. You can add styling by inspecting the component and add custom css rules in your project.