We should be able to pass a mock %Config to the constructor so that it becomes easier to test logic for various platforms. In particular, 'osname', 'cc', 'osvers', 'gccvers' are probably relevant parts of the %Config hash. Testability is hampered to a degree by the logic that uses system calls, but at least being able to mock %Config as an official part of the UI is a step in the right direction.
This is being worked on in the "tests" branch:
We should be able to pass a mock %Config to the constructor so that it becomes easier to test logic for various platforms. In particular, 'osname', 'cc', 'osvers', 'gccvers' are probably relevant parts of the %Config hash. Testability is hampered to a degree by the logic that uses system calls, but at least being able to mock %Config as an official part of the UI is a step in the right direction.