Running prokka today I've had this problem with tbl2asn
[12:20:50] Generating Genbank and Sequin files
[12:20:50] Running: tbl2asn -V b -a r10k -l paired-ends -M n -N 1 -y 'Annotated using prokka 1.13.3 from' -Z projects\/SRR2014554_teste\/prokka\/\/SRR2014554_teste \.err -i projects\/SRR2014554_teste\/prokka\/\/SRR2014554_teste\.fsa 2> /dev/null
[12:21:25] Could not run command: tbl2asn -V b -a r10k -l paired-ends -M n -N 1 -y 'Annotated using prokka 1.13.3 from' -Z projects\/SRR2014554_teste\/prokka\/\/SR R2014554_teste\.err -i projects\/SRR2014554_teste\/prokka\/\/SRR2014554_teste\.fsa 2> /dev/null
Running prokka today I've had this problem with tbl2asn