tseemann / prokka

:zap: :aquarius: Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation
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Unnamed/uncharacterized genes are not annotated as expected #609

Open ReganDM opened 2 years ago

ReganDM commented 2 years ago

I am using Prokka to annotate a Salmonella enterica genome, and I used the --proteins option to provide the S. enterica LT2 reference genome in .gbf format. Unnamed genes in Salmonella enterica are annotated in the format "STMXXXX" where the Xs are numbers. In my genome, the STM locus tags are not carried over from the reference. STM2245 is named KCNHIHPK_0010, for example. I can use --locustag STM to make it appear as STM_0010, but I can't figure out how to carry the "2245" number from the reference genome to my genome. Is there a way to force Prokka to use the locus numbers from the reference genome?

Thank you, Regan