Hello, recently I used prokka to annotate a metagenome file in fasta format, but it seems to fail and only accomplished with four Output Files, which formats called fna, faa, hmmer3 and log. The last of log show that [00:17:18] Running: cat .\/output\/JHW1\/JHW1_prokka\/PROKKA_03072022.HAMAP.hmm.tmp.1523270.faa | parallel --gnu --plain -j 40 --block 1216816 --recstart '>' --pipe hmmscan --noali --notextw --acc -E 1e-09 --cpu 1 /home/data/t030301/miniconda3/envs/prokka/db/hmm/HAMAP.hmm /dev/stdin > .\/output\/JHW1\/JHW1_prokka\/PROKKA_03072022.HAMAP.hmm.tmp.1523270.hmmer3 2> /dev/null
The log file about this process is attached below. I will be sooooooooo appreciate if you could help me soon.
Hello, recently I used prokka to annotate a metagenome file in fasta format, but it seems to fail and only accomplished with four Output Files, which formats called fna, faa, hmmer3 and log. The last of log show that [00:17:18] Running: cat .\/output\/JHW1\/JHW1_prokka\/PROKKA_03072022.HAMAP.hmm.tmp.1523270.faa | parallel --gnu --plain -j 40 --block 1216816 --recstart '>' --pipe hmmscan --noali --notextw --acc -E 1e-09 --cpu 1 /home/data/t030301/miniconda3/envs/prokka/db/hmm/HAMAP.hmm /dev/stdin > .\/output\/JHW1\/JHW1_prokka\/PROKKA_03072022.HAMAP.hmm.tmp.1523270.hmmer3 2> /dev/null The log file about this process is attached below. I will be sooooooooo appreciate if you could help me soon.