tseemann / prokka

:zap: :aquarius: Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation
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Error running prokka #628

Open huseyintas opened 2 years ago

huseyintas commented 2 years ago

I am getting error while running prokka:

$ prokka --rfam --prefix protein --locustag genome --gcode 11 --kingdom Bacteria --cpus 1 --rnammer --notrna --outdir ./ --force --quiet --locustag NoNick /home/hut514/bin/TIGER/genome.fa

Result: Argument "1.7.6" isn't numeric in numeric lt (<) at /home/hut514/bin/TIGER/prokka/bin/prokka line 259.

I have the error with Argument "1.7.6". I have removed and downloaded prokka again, but the result did not change.

Can someone help please? Thanks

Supplementary information:

$ ls -l genome.fa -rw-rw-r-- 1 hut514 hut514 6265343 Apr 14 09:19 genome.fa

$ prokka --version prokka 1.14.6

$ which -a prokka ~/bin/TIGER/prokka/bin/prokka

$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules: 1) gcc/6.2.0 3) blast/2.12.0+ 5) java/jdk-11.0.11 2) perl/5.30.0 4) bedtools/2.27.1 6) conda2/4.2.13 (E)

Where: E: Experimental