Hi guys, I am new to linux. I am trying to run Prokka and it gives me the following issue.
Could anyone provide me direction on what to do?
prokka --setupdb
[17:14:21] Appending to PATH: /usr/bin
[17:14:21] Cleaning databases in /home/prabinshrestha/.local/lib/prokka/db
[17:14:21] Cleaning complete.
[17:14:21] Looking for 'makeblastdb' - found /usr/bin/makeblastdb
[17:14:21] Determined makeblastdb version is 002012 from 'makeblastdb: 2.12.0+'
[17:14:21] Looking for 'hmmpress' - found /usr/bin/hmmpress
[17:14:21] Determined hmmpress version is 003003 from '# HMMER 3.3.2 (Nov 2020); http://hmmer.org/'
[17:14:21] Looking for 'cmpress' - found /usr/bin/cmpress
[17:14:21] Determined cmpress version is 001001 from '# INFERNAL 1.1.4 (Dec 2020)'
[17:14:21] Pressing CM database: /home/prabinshrestha/.local/lib/prokka/db/cm/Viruses
[17:14:21] Running: cmpress \/home\/prabinshrestha\/.local\/lib\/prokka\/db\/cm\/Viruses
Error: File existence/permissions problem in trying to open CM file /home/prabinshrestha/.local/lib/prokka/db/cm/Viruses.
CM file /home/prabinshrestha/.local/lib/prokka/db/cm/Viruses not found (nor an .i1m binary of it)
Was there a solution for this thread? I am encountering the same problem in a new / fresh installation of prokka in a new machine under Ubuntu 20.04.03
Hi guys, I am new to linux. I am trying to run Prokka and it gives me the following issue. Could anyone provide me direction on what to do?
prokka --setupdb [17:14:21] Appending to PATH: /usr/bin [17:14:21] Cleaning databases in /home/prabinshrestha/.local/lib/prokka/db [17:14:21] Cleaning complete. [17:14:21] Looking for 'makeblastdb' - found /usr/bin/makeblastdb [17:14:21] Determined makeblastdb version is 002012 from 'makeblastdb: 2.12.0+' [17:14:21] Looking for 'hmmpress' - found /usr/bin/hmmpress [17:14:21] Determined hmmpress version is 003003 from '# HMMER 3.3.2 (Nov 2020); http://hmmer.org/' [17:14:21] Looking for 'cmpress' - found /usr/bin/cmpress [17:14:21] Determined cmpress version is 001001 from '# INFERNAL 1.1.4 (Dec 2020)' [17:14:21] Pressing CM database: /home/prabinshrestha/.local/lib/prokka/db/cm/Viruses [17:14:21] Running: cmpress \/home\/prabinshrestha\/.local\/lib\/prokka\/db\/cm\/Viruses
Error: File existence/permissions problem in trying to open CM file /home/prabinshrestha/.local/lib/prokka/db/cm/Viruses. CM file /home/prabinshrestha/.local/lib/prokka/db/cm/Viruses not found (nor an .i1m binary of it)