tseemann / snippy

:scissors: :zap: Rapid haploid variant calling and core genome alignment
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snippy-multi can't open --ref #463

Open a14578 opened 3 years ago

a14578 commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to run snippy-multi for a few assembled genomes.

I've generated a tab file (input.tab) as follows:

isolate12 /msa/12_PROKKA_06152021.fna isolate2 /msa/2_PROKKA_06162021.fna isolate25 /msa/25_PROKKA_06162021.fna isolate87 /msa/87_PROKKA_06162021.fna isolate3 /msa/3_PROKKA_06152021.fna isolate32 /msa/32_PROKKA_06162021.fna isolate82 /msa/82_PROKKA_06152021.fna isolate38 /msa/38_PROKKA_06162021.fna isolate98 /msa/98_PROKKA_06162021.fna isolate1 /msa/1_PROKKA_06162021.fna

When i run the below commands I get the below error: snippy-multi input.tab --ref K12MG1655_sequence.gbk --cpus 16 > runme.sh sh ./runme.sh

ERROR: Can't open --ref isolate12/ref.fa 

In the snps.log file I also get the errors:

samtools faidx reference/ref.fa

[faidx] Could not build fai index reference/ref.fa.fai

Do you have any advice please?

andersgs commented 3 years ago

@anna1457 a common gotcha with GBK files is that they sometimes do not include the sequence data, just the annotations. Can you open the GBK file in a text editor and confirm the sequence is present?

When downloading from NCBI, make sure to select the Genbank (Full) option.


andersgs commented 3 years ago

We need to add a test for sequence data being present in GBK files.

a14578 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your help. I actually just finished the run using the fasta file instead of the GenBank file, and this has worked. I just checked the GenBank file and as you said, there was no fasta sequence present in it! Thanks again!

andersgs commented 3 years ago

No worries, best of luck.

springinging commented 1 year ago

How did you solve this trouble? I also met this problem,.

ERROR: Can't open --ref 772sequence/ref.fa

The form of my input.tab was : isolate1 /path/to/seq1.fasta isolate2 /path/to/seq2.fasta


woguta commented 1 year ago

ERROR: Can't open --ref ./genome_ref/ASM676v1.fasta