Open EtienneNtumba opened 9 months ago
vcfstreamsort: symbol lookup error: /home/p0129674/anaconda3/envs/my_pro/bin/../lib/ undefined symbol: wavefront_align vcfuniq: symbol lookup error: /home/p0129674/anaconda3/envs/my_pro/bin/../lib/ undefined symbol: wavefront_align Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/p0129674/anaconda3/envs/my_pro/bin/vcffirstheader", line 17, in print(line.strip()) BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
HI Etienne Ntumba check out the solution found in Error #566. It calls to downgrade one of the programs.
I just tried it, and my pipeline ran.
samtools index snps.bam reference/ref.fa.fai 637096 > reference/ref.txt
freebayes-parallel reference/ref.txt 4 -p 2 -P 0 -C 2 -F 0.05 --min-coverage 10 --min-repeat-entropy 1.0 -q 13 -m 60 --strict-vcf -f reference/ref.fa snps.bam > snps.raw.vcf
vcfstreamsort: symbol lookup error: /home/p0129674/anaconda3/envs/my_pro/bin/../lib/ undefined symbol: wavefront_align vcfuniq: symbol lookup error: /home/p0129674/anaconda3/envs/my_pro/bin/../lib/ undefined symbol: wavefront_align Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/p0129674/anaconda3/envs/my_pro/bin/vcffirstheader", line 17, in
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe