tsegall / fta

Metadata/data identification Java library. Identifies Semantic Type information (e.g. Gender, Age, Color, Country,...). Extensive country/language support. Extensible via user-defined plugins. Comprehensive Profiling support.
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Aadhaar ID is not detected as a semantic type #26

Closed AayushSameerShah closed 1 year ago

AayushSameerShah commented 1 year ago

I was currently testing on Aadhaar detection with locale "en-IN". I have put multiple possible Aadhaar values in the dataset (given below) to try it with FTA.

As shown in this reference that aadhar number should be:

In the dataset all columns follow those rules of Aadhaar, and the columns are:

Surprisingly Python faker is creating the Aadhar Ids with "1" in the first digit. So I had to check both scenarios (with 1 and without 1). As a result none of them were detected as the IDENTITY.AADHAR_IN.

Aadhaar Python Faker was the only one which was detected as a semantic type but that was detected as CHECKDIGIT.LUHN.

The log: (I just named all headers the same "Aadhaar" to avoid any potential mis-detection)

  "fieldName" : "Aadhaar",
  "totalCount" : -1,
  "sampleCount" : 100,
  "matchCount" : 100,
  "nullCount" : 0,
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  "distinctCount" : 100,
  "regExp" : "\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{4}",
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  "histogram" : [ 11, 15, 11, 8, 12, 7, 13, 8, 6, 9 ],
  "leadingWhiteSpace" : false,
  "trailingWhiteSpace" : false,
  "multiline" : false,
  "keyConfidence" : 0.0,
  "uniqueness" : 1.0,
  "detectionLocale" : "en-IN",
  "ftaVersion" : "12.8.3",
  "structureSignature" : "C5vhekfmFo1T9wk1aL7/XAVFQS8=",
  "dataSignature" : "Pjp3x9CWVJ6pZMMQqKwBacAf9xc="
  "fieldName" : "Aadhaar",
  "totalCount" : -1,
  "sampleCount" : 100,
  "matchCount" : 100,
  "nullCount" : 0,
  "blankCount" : 0,
  "distinctCount" : 100,
  "regExp" : "\\d{4} \\d{4} \\d{4}",
  "confidence" : 1.0,
  "type" : "String",
  "isSemanticType" : false,
  "min" : "2010 0105 9680",
  "max" : "9986 8228 9793",
  "minLength" : 14,
  "maxLength" : 14,
  "topK" : [ "9986 8228 9793", "9899 6008 5332", "9851 2041 4147", "9621 6511 5606", "9615 7817 7604", "9584 9201 9782", "9533 6945 2700", "9376 9305 1251", "9233 7113 7861", "9120 2241 1404" ],
  "bottomK" : [ "2010 0105 9680", "2010 1889 7684", "2058 6244 7535", "2075 8515 6125", "2127 9469 1096", "2161 6729 3627", "2358 9575 3996", "2407 2148 7453", "2498 2728 6494", "2625 2331 7140" ],
  "cardinality" : 100,
  "outlierCardinality" : 0,
  "invalidCardinality" : 0,
  "shapesCardinality" : 1,
  "leadingWhiteSpace" : false,
  "trailingWhiteSpace" : false,
  "multiline" : false,
  "keyConfidence" : 0.0,
  "uniqueness" : 1.0,
  "detectionLocale" : "en-IN",
  "ftaVersion" : "12.8.3",
  "structureSignature" : "hFPiutvc8eNGBEqwPa86Kx2Bx+4=",
  "dataSignature" : "ZBBcBKUzoVeGyLspI6gjJJYRq90="
  "fieldName" : "Aadhaar",
  "totalCount" : -1,
  "sampleCount" : 100,
  "matchCount" : 100,
  "nullCount" : 0,
  "blankCount" : 0,
  "distinctCount" : 100,
  "regExp" : "\\d{12}",
  "confidence" : 1.0,
  "type" : "Long",
  "isSemanticType" : true,
  "semanticType" : "CHECKDIGIT.LUHN",
  "min" : "100251817266",
  "max" : "977401778690",
  "minLength" : 12,
  "maxLength" : 12,
  "mean" : 5.2713633128787006E11,
  "standardDeviation" : 2.4094264377784946E11,
  "topK" : [ "977401778690", "971715135994", "962357472886", "922902779151", "910347441230", "908994944043", "880303662444", "873281504530", "867190843021", "865716762774" ],
  "bottomK" : [ "100251817266", "143592253957", "158005205139", "160241532375", "161192806578", "163790311134", "175411761158", "183204333912", "183218701492", "204826799411" ],
  "leadingZeroCount" : 0,
  "cardinality" : 100,
  "outlierCardinality" : 0,
  "invalidCardinality" : 0,
  "shapesCardinality" : 1,
  "percentiles" : [ "100251817266", "100251817266", "143592253957", "158005205139", "160241532375", "161192806578", "163790311134", "175411761158", "183204333912", "183218701492", "204826799411", "212462175887", "219606172514", "221002302109", "223064285057", "232887584687", "255832167035", "265830369012", "276833393701", "287412290846", "292829876658", "297210822674", "299216325231", "302314311549", "303164030528", "306128529790", "329364480957", "330464039362", "338489938336", "342048191023", "342583470022", "368531005677", "370176345681", "373003246700", "376963844570", "400868377922", "401394923882", "410336418117", "411928392207", "414538124044", "418140862834", "425021412043", "432222436094", "443837166414", "450602634971", "460537042935", "463127721173", "472458224780", "487878663649", "491853129188", "507229945682", "512462630769", "515938808919", "518049186092", "525098366251", "559937514011", "578986301146", "579475488063", "591422919819", "593311948578", "618075606334", "628533157598", "631315724072", "633363432053", "634263582229", "642257992981", "642617014088", "669153864220", "675074000778", "681169134852", "684065593056", "696681160482", "697157893200", "702594987498", "709130746650", "718308132148", "718622293535", "725752854572", "731016245987", "767311160208", "785805378995", "788774874275", "806230508368", "808698795065", "818362368305", "840668878399", "844007851679", "844653208836", "847242337057", "854376999637", "860321665256", "865716762774", "867190843021", "873281504530", "880303662444", "908994944043", "910347441230", "922902779151", "962357472886", "971715135994", "977401778690" ],
  "histogram" : [ 9, 8, 13, 14, 10, 6, 14, 7, 13, 6 ],
  "leadingWhiteSpace" : false,
  "trailingWhiteSpace" : false,
  "multiline" : false,
  "keyConfidence" : 0.0,
  "uniqueness" : 1.0,
  "detectionLocale" : "en-IN",
  "ftaVersion" : "12.8.3",
  "structureSignature" : "ySEbGrpJCO/yoMiVxyK5vi9sBtU=",
  "dataSignature" : "Nk8taKWlfWomlW+7m0ekep4Z79w="
  "fieldName" : "Aadhaar",
  "totalCount" : -1,
  "sampleCount" : 100,
  "matchCount" : 100,
  "nullCount" : 0,
  "blankCount" : 0,
  "distinctCount" : 100,
  "regExp" : "\\d{12}",
  "confidence" : 1.0,
  "type" : "Long",
  "isSemanticType" : false,
  "min" : "200252827266",
  "max" : "977402778690",
  "minLength" : 12,
  "maxLength" : 12,
  "mean" : 5.376487561888701E11,
  "standardDeviation" : 2.285527641596243E11,
  "topK" : [ "977402778690", "972725235994", "962357472886", "922902779252", "920347442230", "908994944043", "880303662444", "873282504530", "867290843022", "865726762774" ],
  "bottomK" : [ "200252827266", "204826799422", "222002302209", "222462275887", "223064285057", "229606272524", "232887584687", "243592253957", "255832267035", "258005205239" ],
  "leadingZeroCount" : 0,
  "cardinality" : 100,
  "outlierCardinality" : 0,
  "invalidCardinality" : 0,
  "shapesCardinality" : 1,
  "percentiles" : [ "200252827266", "200252827266", "204826799422", "222002302209", "222462275887", "223064285057", "229606272524", "232887584687", "243592253957", "255832267035", "258005205239", "260242532375", "262292806578", "263790322234", "265830369022", "275422762258", "276833393702", "283204333922", "283228702492", "287422290846", "292829876658", "297220822674", "299226325232", "302324322549", "303264030528", "306228529790", "329364480957", "330464039362", "338489938336", "342048292023", "342583470022", "368532005677", "370276345682", "373003246700", "376963844570", "400868377922", "402394923882", "420336428227", "422928392207", "424538224044", "425022422043", "428240862834", "432222436094", "443837266424", "450602634972", "460537042935", "463227722273", "472458224780", "487878663649", "492853229288", "507229945682", "522462630769", "525098366252", "525938808929", "528049286092", "559937524022", "578986302246", "579475488063", "592422929829", "593322948578", "628075606334", "628533257598", "632325724072", "633363432053", "634263582229", "642257992982", "642627024088", "669253864220", "675074000778", "682269234852", "684065593056", "696682260482", "697257893200", "702594987498", "709230746650", "725752854572", "728308232248", "728622293535", "732026245987", "767322260208", "785805378995", "788774874275", "806230508368", "808698795065", "828362368305", "840668878399", "844007852679", "844653208836", "847242337057", "854376999637", "860322665256", "865726762774", "867290843022", "873282504530", "880303662444", "908994944043", "920347442230", "922902779252", "962357472886", "972725235994", "977402778690" ],
  "histogram" : [ 16, 14, 12, 8, 7, 9, 12, 5, 11, 6 ],
  "leadingWhiteSpace" : false,
  "trailingWhiteSpace" : false,
  "multiline" : false,
  "keyConfidence" : 0.0,
  "uniqueness" : 1.0,
  "detectionLocale" : "en-IN",
  "ftaVersion" : "12.8.3",
  "structureSignature" : "C5vhekfmFo1T9wk1aL7/XAVFQS8=",
  "dataSignature" : "+QFiv3mTZ6Z6NluMZ37biDPbK2k="

Total records: 100

Thank you, Tim!

I am using this dataset: Just Aadhaar SMALL100.csv

tsegall commented 1 year ago

So the python faker is basically generating rubbish. Here is a site you can use to check a host of identity fields including Aadhaar. Faker as you observed does not generate valid Aadhaar's, in particular it does generate them with a leading 1 and also Aadhar numbers need to have a valid check digit which the python faker does not honor.

If you are looking to generate synthetic data then you can use FTA for this purpose. If you have cloned the repository and have done a build and install then there is the full-blown CLI (see https://github.com/tsegall/fta#faker for more details on how to invoke the FTA faker). I used the following command to generate a 1000 'good' Aadhaar numbers.

cli --locale en-IN --faker "Aadhaar[type=IDENTITY.AADHAR_IN]" --records 1000

Note: The current code only allows for a space of no space, it does not allow for a hyphen to separate the components. I will update to handle the hyphen.

I have attached a sample file with decent numbers.
