tsenart / vegeta

HTTP load testing tool and library. It's over 9000!
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Vegeta package getting connection reset by peer #289

Closed calvinvoo2 closed 6 years ago

calvinvoo2 commented 6 years ago

Version and Runtime

Version: %!s(*bool=0xc42009e710)
Go version:

Expected Behaviour

Expected behaviour is that we should see the same result, attacking using command line or using the go package.

So I did the load test using both the command line and using inside a Go Project When using command line vegeta attack -duration=5s -rate=150 -targets=targets.txt | vegeta report -reporter=text The results shows this Status Codes [code:count] 200:750

But when I put in on the go package, attacking the same API, it will get this error Get https://myapi.com?method=GET&proxy=true: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer Get https://myapi.com?method=GET&proxy=true: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer Get https://myapi.com?method=GET&proxy=true: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer And most of the response will have 0 Status Codes

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create the Attack command line script like this one vegeta attack -duration=5s -rate=150 -targets=targets.txt | vegeta report -reporter=text

  2. Create a Go Script that uses the Attack package and attack the same endpoint

  3. The Go script result will have the status codes result like this map[0:106 200:144]

tsenart commented 6 years ago

Hello @calvinvoo2. Thanks for reporting this issue. It seems you're not using the latest version of Vegeta which should output something meaningful with vegeta -version. Please try that first.

In the Steps to Reproduce, please provide the Go code you are using. Thank you.

calvinvoo2 commented 6 years ago

Sorry this is the version Version: v7.0.3 Commit: f5e8a53b900b1509b8719aa94c30d4cf087a77e9 Runtime: go1.10.2 darwin/amd64 Date: 2018-05-24T10:20:16Z+0100

For the steps to reproduce in the Go code is like this

            targeter := vegeta.NewStaticTargeter(vegeta.Target{
                Method: "GET",
                URL:    "MyAPI",
                // Header: header,
            attacker := vegeta.NewAttacker(vegeta.Timeout(time.Duration(50) * time.Second))

            var metrics vegeta.Metrics
            for res := range attacker.Attack(targeter, rate, duration) {
            fmt.Printf("Result (Total Request: %d):\n", metrics.Requests)
            fmt.Printf("Success rate: %.0f%% \r\n", metrics.Success*100)
            fmt.Printf("Status Codes[code:count]: %v\r\n\n", metrics.StatusCodes)

Is this enough?

tsenart commented 6 years ago

It is not enough. How can I reproduce your situation locally? Please provide everything needed for that :-)

calvinvoo2 commented 6 years ago
package main

import (

    vegeta "github.com/tsenart/vegeta/lib"

type ApiObject struct {
    URL  string `json:"url"`
    Name string `json:"name"`
type AttackData struct {
    API      []ApiObject `json:"api"`
    Auth     string      `json:"auth"`
    RPS      []int       `json:"rps"`
    Duration int         `json:"duration"`

func main() {
    jsonString := `{
        "duration": 2,
        "rps": [10,100,200,300],
        "api": [
                "name": "Fetch List",
                "url": "{myownapi url}"
    var attack AttackData
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &attack)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("ERR %v", err)
    duration := time.Duration(attack.Duration) * time.Second

    for _, api := range attack.API {
        fmt.Printf("Attacking %s (%s)\r\n\n", api.Name, api.URL)
        for _, rps := range attack.RPS {
            fmt.Printf("With %d rps for %v\n", rps, duration)
            rate := uint64(rps)
            targeter := vegeta.NewStaticTargeter(vegeta.Target{
                Method: "GET",
                URL:    attack.API[0].URL,
            attacker := vegeta.NewAttacker(vegeta.Timeout(time.Duration(50) * time.Second))

            var metrics vegeta.Metrics
            for res := range attacker.Attack(targeter, rate, duration) {
            fmt.Printf("Result (Total Request: %d):\n", metrics.Requests)
            fmt.Printf("Success rate: %.0f%% \r\n", metrics.Success*100)
            fmt.Printf("Status Codes[code:count]: %v\r\n\n", metrics.StatusCodes)


The go script is like the above

ghost commented 6 years ago

Have you tried playing with the KeepAlive, Connections and Workers options? These are set in the CLI. The server you are testing is resetting the underlying TCP connections.

tsenart commented 6 years ago

@calvinvoo2: See above comment.

calvinvoo2 commented 6 years ago

hi @ghost, I have tested the connections and workers options previously, is it to set it with higher numbers right? I will try the KeepAlive options and get back to you with the result.

tsenart commented 6 years ago

Yeah, just make sure the values are the same set via the CLI.

tsenart commented 6 years ago

Any developments?

ryan-hixcare commented 4 days ago

Get similar problems here,

jq -ncM '{
  method: "POST",
  url: "http://localhost:8080/v2.0/user/login",
  body: ({
    id: "admin",
    password: "adminpassword"
  } | @base64),
  header: {
    "Content-Type": ["application/json"]
}' | vegeta attack -keepalive -format=json -duration=3s -max-connections=1000000 -rate=3000 -insecure -workers=30000 -connections=100000 | vegeta report -output="report.txt"

Looks like I get my connections, workers sufficient. But most of the request returns 0.

Requests      [total, rate, throughput]         9000, 3063.67, 109.35
Duration      [total, attack, wait]             22.077s, 2.938s, 19.139s
Latencies     [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max]  13.794ms, 5.327s, 5.306s, 7.323s, 8.067s, 10.185s, 21.849s
Bytes In      [total, mean]                     1182416, 131.38
Bytes Out     [total, mean]                     99218, 11.02
Success       [ratio]                           26.82%
Status Codes  [code:count]                      0:6389  200:2414  500:197  
Error Set:
Post "http://localhost:8080/v2.0/user/login": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer