tsenart / vegeta

HTTP load testing tool and library. It's over 9000!
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Vegeta load test all requests in queue and experience high latency on the client side #606

Closed Samuel-Xu-1996 closed 11 months ago

Samuel-Xu-1996 commented 1 year ago

It seems in my vegeta load test, all the requests are waiting in queue. And there's no CPU usage or scale up/down action until we change vegeta request timeout to above 60sec. All the requests show status 200 on server side, and I'm curious about why the requests are in queue. On the contrary, when I ran load test with same rps rate on locust for the same deployment, my result shows low latency.

rps_30_vegeta_timeout_30s_results Results_30rps_Vegeta_timout_30s

rps_30_vegeta_timeout_90s_results Results_30rps_Vegeta_timout_90s
