tsgates / mbox

A lightweight sandbox tool for non-root users
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some question about mobx, new user, thanks! #37

Closed waveheart closed 5 years ago

waveheart commented 5 years ago

I pulled wokmate's colde , the userInfo part is write like this

export default new (class {
    @observable user = {}

when he set the 'user', the code is like this

    setInfo (info) {
        this.user = _.merge(this.user, info)

when remove the userInfo , the code is like this

    async logout () {
        await cache.remove(this.tokenKey)
        this.loggedIn = false
        this.user = {}
        this.orders = []

now , my issue is this , if i just use this user.name. user.tel, ect. like this

class AccountInfo extends Component {
    render () {
        const {
            store: {
                auth: {
                    user: {tel, name, gender}
        } = this.props

     return (

it didn't refresh , and I think it certianly should not work.

I think the code is not correct, and my questtion is : at the begining , i dont kown its keys, when logout, i should set the 'user' to empty, if i still want watch the properties of user, and refresh the component , how should i rewrite the code?

waveheart commented 5 years ago

sorry . ... wrong depository...