tsgrp / ActiveWizard

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TS Cascading: retain selected options from tossacross when changing query #261

Closed mikeblum closed 9 years ago

mikeblum commented 9 years ago

Will need to support a growable aspect in trunk so that toss across doesn't blank out when the query changes.

Right now, whenever we change the parent query that a tossacross control uses, we're removing what the user previously selected. Should this be configurabnle or become the default behavior for toss-acrosses in the Wizard?

gsteimer commented 9 years ago

In the old wizard, any selected option was still selected if the query re-ran and the value was not returned by the query. I think this is fine to make core behavior.

grahamsinger commented 9 years ago

Fixed with rev 13022.

Added a growable aspect which won't clear previously selected values on a query change. Currently only being added to tossacross(multiselect).