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Controlled Docs with AGS Enhancement #2438

Closed katiebrill closed 2 years ago

katiebrill commented 3 years ago

Controlled Docs with AGS

General Problem:

General Solution:


  1. Disposition

    • We will now need a behavior to run and delete the original controlled document version along with just deleting the record
  2. superceded/obsolete

    • When a controlled doc becomes superceded or obsoleted, the record status will not change to show this since it is immutable

      Q: some roles do allow for the changing of imutable docs - if we put the admin account in here they may still get updated if we give them the real controlled docs aspects .. 
      Q: there is a preloaded - on create supersceded script that is in AGS that sends a notification - what is that for?  
  3. Model

    • We will need to update the controlled docs aspects when we copy them over to not be the true controlled docs aspects
    • Why a different object type created as the copy..?
      • For better user experience in ACA
      • This way they can be placed on a separate trac from the controlled docs once they become records
      • The immutable record copy can be placed on a records trac and access can be restricted to certain users while the original controlled doc effective version can still live where it always has and be checked out, checked in etc. (also access to this can be restricted)

Things to do:

  1. New Aspects in TSG model:

    • controlled doc data Record
    • quality controlled Record
  2. New Behavior in CVN amp for create:

    • Behavior to run on add Effective aspect
    • It will:
      1. Get the node
      2. Make a copy with a new type - injectable type to type map
      3. modify the New aspects
      4. promote custom metadata - injectable prop to prop map
  3. New Behavior in CVN amp for delete:

    • Behavior to run on disposition of AGS record - so On add aspect rma:ghosted (not just retention - accestion - transfer to an archival agency - for governance agencies)
    • It will:

      1. check if it is one of these controlled docs record types - injected list
      2. look for the corresponding controlled document version
      3. delete that node

      Q: can we just delete one version of the version chain?? Q: how are we going to find the corresponding doc to delete?? - name? new prop - unique guid - that ties them together - single attr aspect

  4. New Behavior to update old versions to be superceded on the records side

katiebrill commented 2 years ago

Design: https://hyland.quip.com/KltuASWdjnsQ/Controlled-Docs-with-AGS-Design

katiebrill commented 2 years ago

OC commit: 27040

CONTROLLED DOCS WITH AGS - When using Controlled Docs with AGS, as soon as a doc becomes effective it should become a record. If we were just to declare that effective controlled doc a record, it could no longer be able to be checked out and checked back in since records are immutable (the controlled doc version chain would essentially be dead). Therefore, this update will allow us to turn on the controlledDocsWithAGS solution which will actually create a copy of the controlled document when it becomes effective so that that copy can be declared an AGS record and the controlled doc itself will still be able to be checked out and checked back in.


CR: aking, cadcock, gsteimer, dgrumieaux

Feature branch: http://svn.tsgrp.com/repos/tsg/webservices/feature_branches/controlled-docs-with-ags

katiebrill commented 2 years ago

WIKI page describing how to configure this:


katiebrill commented 2 years ago

OC commit: 27043

fix for java 8 compatability